This blog serves as a record of our adoption, life and love of our son, Jakob.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Court date set

Our lawyer has set a court date for us for Wednesday, September 5, at 1:30 p.m. here:

Judge Cook
Cass County County Courthouse
102 East Wall Street
Harrisonville, MO 64701

We are excited because once this hearing takes place Jakob will get to come home with us. Our lawyer mentioned that while the actual hearing will take approximately six minutes, we're not the only docket on for that day so we might go right at 1:30 or it might be later in the day. Sort of a hurry up and wait.
This last week he had another minor spell where his blood oxygen level falls below a moderately acceptable rate. When that happens he automatically gets five days added to his stay for observation. The nurses have reassured us that he's doing quite well. He also passed his car seat evaluation and is up to 5-lbs, 4-oz. Needless to say, he's not having any trouble eating anymore (or filling his diapers, haha).

Jakob Marcus: Surprise Ending:

We did have a bit of a scare that has turned out to be fine and quite positive for him in the long run. It came to our attention that Jakob's birthmother has Native American blood. Thus, Jakob also shares that. In accordance to national law, a notification must be sent out to all tribes in the area to see if any one in a tribe would like to adopt Jakob. Because our birthmother isn't registered with a tribe, it's more just a formality, but we hated to lose him now after we've worked so hard to get him. The nice thing is that as he gets older he will have many things going for him having this heritage and Marc also has some Native American ancestry so this works out well.

Kim is now officially on maternity leave and Marc plans to take off most of next week and the following Monday to spend a week with Jakob and Kim. We will most likely "room in" with Jakob on Monday or Tuesday night to learn about all of his feedings and habits, and on Sunday, we are also set to get a refresher on baby/infant CPR from one of the NICU nurses.

God continues to bless us through the kindness of others. This week has been no different. Unexpected monetary and provisional gifts have been received and many continue to ask how they can help us. It's quite humbling.

If you have a chance, especially you prayer warriors, please take a look at the following:

  • Prayer for Judge Cook in our case and for our court date

  • Prayer for the logistics of Kim and Marc being off from work that we would be able to concentrate on Jakob during this happy time

  • Prayer for Jakob's growth and for his stats to continue to get better and better

  • Prayer for our friend Debbie Scott who this week had an emergency c-section and her new 2-lb. 5-oz. baby girl Heidi

Today starts the Labor Day holiday and this afternoon we will head to see Jakob then Marc is going with his friend Mark to the Rock the Light concert out at Starlight to catch Chris Tomlin. This weekend will be filled with friends, family, food and most likely a few last movies before Jakob comes home.

Hopefully soon we will have pictures of Jakob in his car seat, bassinet, crib and most importantly. . . home.

More soon.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Better, stronger, faster. . .

Yes, that is a Six Million Dollar Man reference. It will make sense after you read on. You'll have to forgive us. It's been an up and down long weekend and it's now midnight on Sunday evening and while we should be asleep, we're uploading all the Jakob news that's fit to print. First pictures and video then news.

Look ma, no feeding tube:

This weekend Marc spent time with his friend Matt and their mutual friends from Omaha, Scotte and Jason. They went to Dave and Busters and had a great "guy" weekend.

Sunday was powerful. It's been a while since Marc has been able to attend the Sunday service just to take part in listening and worshiping as he has been helping out behind the scenes the past couple of weekends (good times!). We were able to sit together and enjoy one of the most inspirational music worship services followed by a VERY uplifting, impactful messages and a video which really put the glory of God into perspective. Afterward, we completed our Vineyard 201 class and can now begin serving even more! We're very excited!

Also today we learned Jakob is doing well. Actually, that's an understatement. He's doing amazingly well. They're thinking he will be ready to come home. . .like Tuesday! Whoa! He's up to 4lbs 14-oz. and in a regular newborn crib. He's taking all of his feedings by bottle and no longer has that pesky feeding tube. The nursing staff has been amazing and they're working with us to help us arrange to stay over to learn about him and we've contacted our lawyer and case worker to keep them in the loop. Ideally, we'll be able to arrange it so Jakob doesn't have to go into foster care.

We would ask that you continue to pray for all the job (both of us), financial and court schedule planning that still needs to take place. It seems no coincidence that our pastor's message today was about faith and how when we walk in faith God will be faithful to us.

Thank you all for continuing to stick by us. It's not been easy, and there are times we don't know up from down. Thanks for loving us through it.

More soon. . .

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Oh yes, there will be more pictures. . .

Hope you're not tired of seeing Jakob's photos. His pediatrician let us know last night that Jakob will most likely still be in the hospital for another week to two weeks. We just want to get him well so he can come home. Good news though. Not only is he off the heating portion of his incubator and wearing some of the clothing we have, he also took almost an entire bottle from Kim (36 of 38 cc's). Granted, the preemie clothing we have for him looks like socks on a rooster, but still progress is progress. A poll of seven hospital NICU nurses found that 99 percent of them considered Jakob to be their favorite. One can't deny that kind of statistic. Behold:

Also, feeding can be fun for everyone. Check it out at:
In addition, we have some Marc and Kim news! After trying unsuccessfully for more than six years, Kim is pregnant! Just kidding.

Now that we have your attention, here goes. Kim has started school and is working on setting the tone for how she would like the first semester and the year to go in her absence. Fortunately, the teacher she will be working with to take over while she is on maternity leave is one of the best and the one she was hoping for. God again answers prayer. This week she has back to school night where she will hopefully meet some of the new student parents and revisit with existing ones. Yesterday, South Valley Junior High threw Kim a baby shower and really spoiled us. We received so many great gifts for Jakob. Today, Marc's work threw a shower for us and it was really incredible. Lots of thought went into it by one of Marc's coworkers (who is also named Kim; nice, right?) and many pitched in to purchase a JVC camcorder and baby scale for us!!! Talk about (pleasantly) surprised!

This week, Marc also found out his hard work at work has paid off again. Earlier this year, he won a Hermes Creative Award for his public relations efforts for one work campaign. He received word that he has now won a Public Relations Society of America-Kansas City Chapter PRISM award for his work on another campaign. The awards banquet is in September.

We have begun splitting time on Jakob visits during the week with Marc going on Monday/Wednesday and Kim going on Tuesday/Thursday and then we will both go on the weekend. This way we can see him and still keep up with housework, yard work, laundry and life at home. It's hard not seeing him every day, but we want to make sure he's not coming home to a grassy forest with a pig sty in the middle. This weekend we will get to spend more time with Jakob, and Marc's and his friend Matt will be hanging out with their mutual friend from college Scotte who lives in Omaha, Neb. Should be a good time and we will most likely have pictures soon.

Once again, if you're reading this, chances are you've helped us out with friendship, support, prayer, financially or simply just cared for us when we've needed it. God continues to bless us and we pray your blessings will be returned to you as well. Thank you so much.

More soon.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Good looking family by very definition

This has been one incredible weekend. First, God continues to bless us. Period. He makes things clear where there was once confusion.

Friday, we went to visit for Jakob's 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. feedings. He scared us a little when he spit up through his mouth and nose, but the incredible nursing staff in the NICU tell us that's totally natural. He took his 8:00 p.m. feeding through his feeding tube because he was all tuckered out while Nanna held him on her lap. For more on Nanna's first time holding him check out:

Saturday, we were able to sleep in a bit and then headed to feed Jakob at his 11 a.m. feeding. This time he took a little more from us but continues to keep us on our toes with what he's willing to eat. After spending as much time with him as he could handle, we headed back for Marc to serve on multimedia at church during the 4:30 and 6:00 p.m. services. Kim was awesome and cleaned up around the house. Then later we were able to catch up with our friends Steve and Julie and see "The Bourne Ultimatum." Great flick.

This morning, Marc was up bright and early to serve for the 8:15, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services at Vineyard on multimedia and Kim finished some housework and made some brownies for the nurses taking care of Jakob. Even though its their job, they do an amazing job keeping him in everything he needs and calming us down when we visit or call. After church we finished our Vineyard 201 class. In addition to the amazing friends and family already praying for us and keeping us supported, we've found a great group of friends in our Vineyard 201 group we're really connecting with. Special thanks to Jackie, Adam, Travis, Leah and Katie for being that extra security blanket! After class, we headed out to take part in Jakob's 5:30 p.m. feeding.

Tomorrow, it's back to work for us both and we of course miss Jakob already. He's really changed our perspective on life and we look forward to bringing him home and making him a more official part of our family soon.

If you have a minute this week, would you please pray for the following:
  • Jakob. He's having ups and downs with his keeping warm and gaining weight. They're changing his formula type this week so he gets more calories and we hope that helps.

  • Us. This back and forth has us exhausted mentally and physically. But it's all worth it.

  • Financials. This week we'll most likely find out about the total payment for the adoption process and how to go about financing it. Also, it's been a lot in gas and car upkeep. Again, it's all worth it.

  • Justine, daughter of our friends Steve and Julie. They're home from the Mayo Clinic. Please pray for Justine's recovery.

  • Travis, friend from Vineyard. Travis is having heart surgery soon and we ask for prayer for him and the surgeons.

  • Katie, friend from Vineyard. Katie has some tough decisions about the mission field to make soon. We ask for clarity for her.

  • Jackie, friend from Vineyard. PRAISE, God provided her with a new job working for a manager who is also a Christian.

Thanks so much for faithfully coming to our blog. Without you, your support and your prayer, we wouldn't be this close to having Jakob.

He said to tell you he can't wait to meet all of you too.

More soon.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

First things first. . .

He's finally off the C-PAP and you can see this amazing little boy now!

Jakob Marcus: First Hold -
Jakob Marcus: First Feeding -
We're beat from driving back and forth each night to the hospital. . .and he's not even home yet, but it's all worth it!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Emotional weekend

We've managed to make it to the hospital every day since Thursday night to see Jakob. Emotions have begun to get the better of us. There are moments we feel like everything will be fine and others where we don't know where to begin. He's so little and helpless and all we want to do is pick him up and hold him.

We find ourselves buying into the same watching scenario others have told us about. We could watch him for hours just sleep and occasionally yawn or open his eyes. He's begun eating formula through his feeding tube and is using the small pacifier regularly. He was at 27% Oxygen when he first went on the breathing tube and has gone down to 24% (21% is normal room air). We're hoping they're able to take him off it in the next couple of days. He doesn't seem to like the tube and finds every reason to pull it away.

The nursing staff is amazing and they've all been great about our visits, questions and calls. Jodi, Jakob's birthmother is feeling better and will be discharged tomorrow morning. We have made a point of stopping in to talk with her in each of our visits, and we're still so very thankful for her decision to choose adoption and us.

Over this weekend we've had times where we feel confident about the days, weeks and months ahead, and other times we've allowed doubt about our abilities, our financial stability and our plans enter into our minds. How quickly we sometimes forget the loving family and friends, supportive church family and many, many prayers that have been made on our behalf.

We just love this little boy and we want so badly to protect him, be with him and raise him to be the man we know God wants him to be. Thank you so much for all your emails, calls and visits. It's really helped us as we move slowly along this emotional roller coaster into parenthood.

We hope to have more photos and news for you soon. This week we will also find out more from our lawyer and our case worker. Oh, and we could still use prayer for Jakob's health to continue to improve (and his weight to increase), Jodi as she is discharged, our case, the judge who will preside over our case, our financial plans and peace as we go through it all.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Officially one day old

Well, Jakob is officially one day old now. Nanna got to spend some time with him tonight and we got a few more photos and video clips. For the entire montage on YouTube, check out:

Last night:
Jakob Marcus: One Hour Old -

New videos from this evening:
Jakob Marcus: Eyes Open/Grin -
Jakob Marcus: Tickle Time -
Jakob Marcus: Pesky Hiccups -

We're already watching his every move and enjoying the growing number of unique characteristics he has. Tomorrow, we will head back to the hospital to see him. Our lawyer called this afternoon and requested we touch base the first part of next week to get a timeline together for the weeks ahead. Fun, fun!

Thanks so much for all the calls and support. We really appreciate it.

More soon.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Jakob Marcus has arrived. . .

. . . seven weeks ahead of schedule. Yikes!
After spending an evening having a late dinner and watching a little television, we received a call from our case worker. Our birthmother experienced a few moderate complications and the hospital team determined they would need to do an emergency C-Section in order to ensure optimum safety for both baby and mother. So officially, Jakob was born on August 9, at 9:10 p.m., weight 4.1-lbs and is 15 inches long. Both he and the birthmother are doing well and Jakob has been taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for observation. We were able to see him tonight and are pleased to share the following images with you:

Tomorrow, we will head back to the hospital to spend some more time with Jakob and we hope he will soon be developed enough for us to touch and hold him. The medical team informed us he will be there for approximately two weeks so we have a little breathing room to continue to finalize things. Marc's parents generously provided us with the crib and a killer diaper bag. Now once we get the mattress (and rocker) we'll be in business! :) Once we have a better understanding as to how long Jakob will be in the hospital, we can get the legal proceedings underway and we will be one step closer to bringing him home and introducing him to friends and family.

We would ask that you be in prayer for the following related and unrelated things:
  • The judge in our case and that God provide him with the compassion needed to grant us this child.

  • Wisdom for us as we begin the financial process (coupled with juggling the other financials in our lives currently).

  • Sunday night our friends Spencer and Jennifer were in a moderate motorcycle accident. Both are banged up but okay. Please be in prayer for them as they heal.

  • As many of you know our friends Steve and Julie took their daughter Justine to the Mayo Clinic to hopefully get some answers on why she is having seizures. They pinpointed her as being epileptic, and things were going in the right direction. Justine had a relapse as they were leaving to come home and they will now be at Mayo until Wednesday. All are homesick and hoping for God's wisdom to shine on this situation soon.

So, needless to say, we're holding on to a mixture of being overjoyed and freaked out. But the good news is, our son is here and God is faithful.

More soon.