This blog serves as a record of our adoption, life and love of our son, Jakob.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Dedication-Doctor Visit-Vacation-Daycare-Time

Last Sunday, we celebrated Jakob's baby dedication at Vineyard. Wow! What an amazing day! We took Jakob up to the front of the congregation and our senior pastor Fred talked about how Jakob means "benevolent." We couldn't agree more! That weekend Vineyard broke a dedication record having 22 total children dedicated.

The day was shared with six family members and eight of our friends and their kids. Wow again! God continues to be faithful and show his support to us through his people. Thanks to Marc's buddy Matt, we were able to get the following two video clips of the dedication:

Jakob Marcus: Dedication -
Jakob Marcus: Dedication Prayer -

Jakob continues to grow and while compared to where he was when we met him, we heard one individual whisper, "Oh look, a little one is coming too." Honestly, he seems huge now!

Last week into this week Marc took vacation time just in time for Jakob to come down with his first stomach bug. So, it was back to see Dr. Garstang. He said time, Pedialite and lots of love would heal him. We were just glad it didn't turn out to be an ear infection.

Thursday, Kim celebrated another birthday and we went out with Marc's parents to Garozzo's downtown. Marc's father got an entree which is basically three entrees in one. Needless to say, he didn't even come close to finishing it!

Today, Kim's friend Joy and her husband Aaron stopped by for a visit from Lincoln, NE and got to meet Jakob. It was a great time and Kim had fun catching up with her good friend.

Tonight, we also finally completed our application for a financial grant from Shaohannah's Hope, the organization set up by Steven Curtis Chapman. We've tried to apply for anything we can find to help offset the large expense associated with Jakob's adoption. We're confident God will provide and we know Jakob was a gift from Him. We just have to be faithful and listen when he speaks. That's the hard part sometimes. . .

This week we officially begin daycare. While we're not looking forward to it, we're confident Jakob will be fine (it's us we're worried about!). Monday night, we will also have the opportunity to visit with one of the elders at our old church and his wife whom we haven't seen in a few years. Should be a great time of catching up and introducing them to our new little one.

Also, this weekend Vineyard officially kicks off the new Brighton Campus location. We're hoping this new location will allow for more people to attend our 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services at the main campus as right now they're packed!!

Looking forward to Halloween this week and we should have photos of our first trick-or-treating with Jakob and also our small group Halloween Party (this coming Saturday) soon. Thanks for faithfully checking in to see our continuing saga!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

And then there were three. . .

Sorry it's been so long since our last transmission. A lot has happened since we last came together for another installment of the Vasquez Adoption Experience so sit back, buckle up and hang on. We do promise this will prove to be a high photo / low text post.

10 days ago we went to JC Penney's to get Jakob's first professional photos. We had two outfits ready for him as he loves to do scene changes and arrived on time for our sitting. When we got to Penney's he was out cold and like dead weight. The photographer took a few photos and then we decided to change him into his other outfit. Then he was wide awake and we got the rest of the photos just before he got really fussy. The photographer went to load the photos and came back to inform us that they had come up all black for some reason. (Please hold the obvious, "was the lens cap on" jokes. It's already been done.) We agreed to do a second shoot but Jakob was not nearly as keen on that idea. We still got some great shots and look forward to sending out birth announcements:

One of the art directors where Marc works is going to come up with a great layout to use for it. We did not post the photo we will most likely be using for our Christmas photo as it rocks and we don't want to spoil the surprise.

Recently, we were invited to dinner and to spend some time with the Heil family. Much like his older sisters did when they were his age, Timmy did not disappoint when it came time for dinner. Of course the photos speak louder than words:

Last Friday, we had Jakob's two month check up and he has grown to 9-lbs. 13-oz. (although by now he's most likely 10 full pounds) and 21 inches long. He also got his first round of shots (4 total) and wasn't keen on that either. He was pretty needy over the weekend so we got some additional cuddle time as he recouped from the ordeal.

Our time at Vineyard continues to be amazing. As you probably know we've recently gotten plugged into an amazing small group and we're planning service projects and taking part in some very engaging spiritual conversations each Monday when we meet. While we're the older couple and the only ones with children, we seem to be fitting right in. Marc has started back up serving on worship team one-two weekends a month and Kim will soon be starting in the nursery.

God continues to point us in the right direction giving us things in our lives that are so much more than coincidence. Through a mutual high school contact, Marc found a friend he went to high school with who is a part of the Liberty Parents as Teachers. We received our packet of information today and we are trying to work it so she and her husband can be our program guides. Pretty cool stuff.

Tonight, we decided to move Jakob from his bassinet to his crib. At first it met with not stop crying; however, after his 10 p.m. feeding he has now settled in and with the exception of his every three hour feedings tonight, he should be in good shape. We're excited our big boy is doing so well!

This weekend we are excited to be finally taking part in our church's child dedication service. It's been a real blessing to know so many of our friends and family are coming to be a part of this special day with us. Next week, we are also hoping to be able to meet up with Jakob's birthmother to share photos and news of how he's doing.

Kim returns to work this Friday after a 6-week maternity leave and Marc will begin his paternity leave Thursday-Friday this week and all of next week. Please be in prayer for Kim as she heads back. It's not been easy for her looking to the days ahead, but she is thankful she was able to take so much time with Jakob.

In the weeks ahead we will have Halloween photos to share and updates about Thanksgiving. We're having many from Marc's family over and then we will introduce Jakob to after Thanksgiving Day shopping on the Friday after. Then, it will be time to have that all amazing Baby's First Christmas.

Again, thank you all so very much for all the love and support you've provided us. God has provided every step of the way and continues to be faithful.

More soon.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Hollywood Boy 2: The Sequel!

Well, the first movie went so well, we just couldn't pass up the idea of making another one, right? Jakob's people agreed and last week we wrapped the sequel to his second movie:

Jakob Marcus: Open Up Your Eyes -

With all of the Oscar buzz with this movie, its hard not to want to produce another one with this all star cast. We'll see, but at this time no plans have been set to launch the third installment of the series (yet).

After the whirlwind of travel and meeting relatives, it was nice to spend last weekend at home. We took Jakob to see the Liberty Fall Festival and while mom and dad had a blast seeing the shop tents on the square, walking around the craft tents and sampling the finest hot dogs, drinks, kettle corn, funnel cakes and fried snickers bars, the boy did what he does best. He slept through the entire thing. If not for needing to eat while we were there, he would have most likely missed the whole thing. Oh well, like the K-State football motto, "there's always next year."

This week we will finally get Jakob's first professional photos taken. Not that we don't have a gagillion photos of him, but this will be the first of many modeling jobs to come as he gets older. Being the most perfect little boy isn't easy, but he does it well. We're planning a big photo of the family later this month to hopefully use as our Christmas photo. Should be good stuff.

This weekend is Marc's dad's birthday and we're excited because Jakob has picked out the coolest grandparent birthday card to give to his Poppy. We're fairly confident he will get to see him and the rest of the family on Friday or Sunday.

After almost seven years of infertility, Jakob is providing us with the start of cool parent things. In a few weeks we will be a part of Vineyard's Child Dedication Event. Like Mother's Day and Father's Day next year, this is something we've been looking forward to taking part in for a long time, and we would like to extend an invitation to friends and family who would like to share with us in this special day. The information is as follows:

Child Dedication Weekend
Sunday, October 21
11:00 a.m. Service
Vineyard KC North

Finally, we have been welcomed into a small group through friends we met at Vineyard and it rocks. Not only are we making a lot of great friends, but we're being challenged. This is definitely a great model for how a small group should be. We're looking forward to covering a marriage and intimacy topic before Thanksgiving and Christmas and then possibly starting a study on the C.S. Lewis book "Mere Christianity" after the new year.

Thanks again so much for visiting this blog. We appreciate you guys taking an active look into our lives and caring enough to keep up with how Jakob is doing.

More soon.