This blog serves as a record of our adoption, life and love of our son, Jakob.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

The journey begins

After finally assembling all of the pre-application information, letters and financial contribution needed to begin the process, we packed it all together and sent it in to The Light House ( Friday, February 24, 2006. We know this is only the beginning of the journey; however, we couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of relief. Many never get past the initial information gathering stage, while still others lose interest or motivation and don’t complete the pre-application.

Kim, the reader in our family, continues to tear through The Light House required reading as well as any other information she can find on adoption. She has also spoken with friends and coworkers who have gone through the adoption process to get their story (as all stories are different and significantly special). Marc, the non-reader in our family, continues to read magazine articles and short Internet posts on adoption and plans to tackle the required reading very soon in an effort to keep up with Kim.

Now we wait. We wait to hear back from The Light House on what happens next. In the weeks/months ahead we will be putting together a scrapbook of ourselves for birth mothers to look over. We will also be meeting with The Light House to complete the long application as well as prepare for our home study, and we will talk with the legal department to figure out how to prepare for the financial aspect of the process.

Mostly as we wait, we’ll continue to pray. We’re looking forward to finally being parents.

More soon.