Court date set
Judge Cook
Cass County County Courthouse
102 East Wall Street
Harrisonville, MO 64701
We are excited because once this hearing takes place Jakob will get to come home with us. Our lawyer mentioned that while the actual hearing will take approximately six minutes, we're not the only docket on for that day so we might go right at 1:30 or it might be later in the day. Sort of a hurry up and wait.
This last week he had another minor spell where his blood oxygen level falls below a moderately acceptable rate. When that happens he automatically gets five days added to his stay for observation. The nurses have reassured us that he's doing quite well. He also passed his car seat evaluation and is up to 5-lbs, 4-oz. Needless to say, he's not having any trouble eating anymore (or filling his diapers, haha).
Jakob Marcus: Surprise Ending:
We did have a bit of a scare that has turned out to be fine and quite positive for him in the long run. It came to our attention that Jakob's birthmother has Native American blood. Thus, Jakob also shares that. In accordance to national law, a notification must be sent out to all tribes in the area to see if any one in a tribe would like to adopt Jakob. Because our birthmother isn't registered with a tribe, it's more just a formality, but we hated to lose him now after we've worked so hard to get him. The nice thing is that as he gets older he will have many things going for him having this heritage and Marc also has some Native American ancestry so this works out well.
Kim is now officially on maternity leave and Marc plans to take off most of next week and the following Monday to spend a week with Jakob and Kim. We will most likely "room in" with Jakob on Monday or Tuesday night to learn about all of his feedings and habits, and on Sunday, we are also set to get a refresher on baby/infant CPR from one of the NICU nurses.
God continues to bless us through the kindness of others. This week has been no different. Unexpected monetary and provisional gifts have been received and many continue to ask how they can help us. It's quite humbling.
If you have a chance, especially you prayer warriors, please take a look at the following:
- Prayer for Judge Cook in our case and for our court date
- Prayer for the logistics of Kim and Marc being off from work that we would be able to concentrate on Jakob during this happy time
- Prayer for Jakob's growth and for his stats to continue to get better and better
- Prayer for our friend Debbie Scott who this week had an emergency c-section and her new 2-lb. 5-oz. baby girl Heidi
Today starts the Labor Day holiday and this afternoon we will head to see Jakob then Marc is going with his friend Mark to the Rock the Light concert out at Starlight to catch Chris Tomlin. This weekend will be filled with friends, family, food and most likely a few last movies before Jakob comes home.
Hopefully soon we will have pictures of Jakob in his car seat, bassinet, crib and most importantly. . . home.
More soon.
Hello, Vasquez family! I just wanted to say congratuations on the adoption. You have a beautiful baby boy and he is lucky to have such great parents! Best wishes!!
Kiley Ryals
October 25, 2007
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