This blog serves as a record of our adoption, life and love of our son, Jakob.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Oh yes, there will be more pictures. . .

Hope you're not tired of seeing Jakob's photos. His pediatrician let us know last night that Jakob will most likely still be in the hospital for another week to two weeks. We just want to get him well so he can come home. Good news though. Not only is he off the heating portion of his incubator and wearing some of the clothing we have, he also took almost an entire bottle from Kim (36 of 38 cc's). Granted, the preemie clothing we have for him looks like socks on a rooster, but still progress is progress. A poll of seven hospital NICU nurses found that 99 percent of them considered Jakob to be their favorite. One can't deny that kind of statistic. Behold:

Also, feeding can be fun for everyone. Check it out at:
In addition, we have some Marc and Kim news! After trying unsuccessfully for more than six years, Kim is pregnant! Just kidding.

Now that we have your attention, here goes. Kim has started school and is working on setting the tone for how she would like the first semester and the year to go in her absence. Fortunately, the teacher she will be working with to take over while she is on maternity leave is one of the best and the one she was hoping for. God again answers prayer. This week she has back to school night where she will hopefully meet some of the new student parents and revisit with existing ones. Yesterday, South Valley Junior High threw Kim a baby shower and really spoiled us. We received so many great gifts for Jakob. Today, Marc's work threw a shower for us and it was really incredible. Lots of thought went into it by one of Marc's coworkers (who is also named Kim; nice, right?) and many pitched in to purchase a JVC camcorder and baby scale for us!!! Talk about (pleasantly) surprised!

This week, Marc also found out his hard work at work has paid off again. Earlier this year, he won a Hermes Creative Award for his public relations efforts for one work campaign. He received word that he has now won a Public Relations Society of America-Kansas City Chapter PRISM award for his work on another campaign. The awards banquet is in September.

We have begun splitting time on Jakob visits during the week with Marc going on Monday/Wednesday and Kim going on Tuesday/Thursday and then we will both go on the weekend. This way we can see him and still keep up with housework, yard work, laundry and life at home. It's hard not seeing him every day, but we want to make sure he's not coming home to a grassy forest with a pig sty in the middle. This weekend we will get to spend more time with Jakob, and Marc's and his friend Matt will be hanging out with their mutual friend from college Scotte who lives in Omaha, Neb. Should be a good time and we will most likely have pictures soon.

Once again, if you're reading this, chances are you've helped us out with friendship, support, prayer, financially or simply just cared for us when we've needed it. God continues to bless us and we pray your blessings will be returned to you as well. Thank you so much.

More soon.


Blogger sarah said...

Marc and Kim...Leah sent me this link, and it's been wonderful to get to know you family a bit. Your baby is adorable! I'm very excited to meet you whenever you're able to join our small group. Sending prayers your way... Sarah Burton

August 24, 2007

Blogger MarcKimVasquez said...

Sarah, thanks so much for the comment. We had our final Vineyard 201 class today and it was kind of a bummer. Our mini group (with Ben and Leah) has really gotten to know each other. We are EXCITED about getting more acquainted with you guys and the group and hope to take part very soon!

August 26, 2007


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