As if we didn't have a full July already. . .
A new development has occurred. Exciting, right?
This week, we emailed our case worker to follow up on the little boy that was born in April we told you about in our last blog entry and received the following response:
Sorry, I wish I knew more but I don’t. I left a message for the social worker the other day but she hasn’t gotten back to me.
On another front, I got a call today from a social worker friend of mine at Catholic Social Services. She wanted to know if we had any Hispanic adoptive families. I told her about you guys. They are working with a Hispanic birthmom who is due in July. She appears to be healthy and it would be a Kansas adoption. She isn’t eligible for Medicaid so there would be medical expenses. Do you know if your insurance covers any of that? If you are interested, she wanted me to send her a copy of your profile, photo book, etc. Let me know!
Wow, right? What a whirlwind this past few weeks has been. So, in addition to Marc traveling to Washington DC for a client event he is working on, Kim's summer school, celebrating our 9-year wedding anniversary and Marc's brother and mother's birthday, we're now in a position to possibly be selected to be parents.
God tends to work our faith when we least expect it.
We decided to at least throw our name in to be considered because:
A. This situation has 90% of the characteristics we have been looking for
B. We're not sure what God is going to do
So, now we're left with a dilemma. We're still working through the details of how we will finance the adoption proceedings and we found out this week that Marc's insurance wouldn't take effect on the child until the adoption date. Kim is checking with her insurance to see if they would pay for any of the medical needs for the birthmother.
The long and short of it is, we've left it in God's hands. We know this isn't the first seemingly insurmountable situation he's come across in the hands of one of His children, so we're trying to focus on the fact that while this problem might seem big, our God is bigger.
We would just ask that you would pray for us for a couple of things right now:
- Last weekend we officially "joined" Vineyard Church and we're excited about getting involved to put our talents to work and pray God continues to open more doors for us there
- If one of these children turns out to be the one He would like us to take as our own, that He would provide a financial and parental plan for us
- We're both under an abnormal amount of stress with our jobs. Marc has been working 50+ hours a week and Kim is more than ready for summer to begin
- A short time ago, Kim joined LA Weight Loss and has been doing great, but could use some prayer to keep motivated
Today, we took some much needed time to sleep in and recoup and went to see Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer and Oceans 13. Both were great.
And to quote that wise sage Porky Pig, "Eeeb-ba-deee-ba-eeeb-ba-deee-ba-That's all folks!"