Busy, busy, busy
We are in the beginning of the summer busy season. First, the news:
Our pool is now open. Yeah, buddy.
A lot has happened since we last talked in April. If I know our friend Mark Bond, he's probably taken us off his blogger list since we haven't updated it in over his approved 30-day change period. Please take us back Mark, we'll do anything! Well, I guess, if nothing else, we'll still get to look forward to the Chris Tomlin concert on August 31 :).
At the end of last month Kim had some bittersweet feelings about school. It's been a very stressful year with a lot of ups and downs and while she was happy to see it come to a close, she was not excited about losing nine of her students who will be heading to the high school next year. The (sarcasm) nice thing is they will be replaced with seven coming up to the junior high next year. Kim had a nice week off last week and summer school begins for her tomorrow.
Over Memorial Day weekend Kim's sister Jill and her husband Tony drove their motorcycle down from Everly, Iowa for a visit. While they were here we went to Worth Harley Davidson, the new KCFD station off 152 and Brighton and took in Gary Valentine (from CBS's The King of Queens) at The Majestic Improv. Fun weekend:
Last night, we had a little visitor come to hang out with us for the evening. Little Timmy Heil was good as gold and we had fun crawling around the living room, going up and down stairs, stacking blocks and knocking them down, trying out the new Bumbo and wearing the coveted Raiders shield bead necklace:
Yes, he looks good in silver and black.
We received news today that Kim's grandmother Vera is being put into hospice care and may not last the week. Her doctors have recommended taking her off her medications and helping her stay comfortable until God chooses to take her home. As you can imagine, while the family has known this day was coming for a while now, it's still very hard to come to grips with. Please be in prayer for the Law and Fricke families this week, and for Kim.
Marc continues to prepare for an upcoming conference in July in Washington, DC. Praise God that he and his new manager Jason are working well together. That's definitely an answered prayer. Thanks also to God for blessing Marc with some unexpected money he received we will be able to pay off some more debt this year as we continue to save for the adoption proceedings we hope start very soon. On that note, we followed up with our case worker tonight hoping to get some good news about having our information shown to a perspective birthmother. We're also waiting to get a copy of our finalized homestudy to have on file here. We keep praying that God will bless us with a child soon or that He will provide us with understanding and hope while we wait. It's been a tough process so far, but we have the knowledge that the child we receive will make it all worth it.
We have been attending Vineyard Church since March and we love it. We're going to be taking their 101 class this month to get to know their pastoral staff. Marc has already gotten involved helping with the worship team running the video camera during Saturday services and hopes to soon be singing with the song worship team. He's also joined their Celebrate Recovery ministry and he and Kim hope to join a small group after the 101 class. It's great to be a part of a church that is grounded in the passion of holding each other up and sharing Jesus with the community and the world. We hope the 101 class reinforces that God has led us to a great place we can call home.
We are really hoping to take this summer and this year to get ourselves grounded in our marriage and in our faith. We especially are looking forward to taking time to be together and value the time where we are two so we're ready when we become "three."
And so far, Spider-man 3 and Shrek the Third were disappointing, but the Pirates movie rocked. Bring on Transformers on July 4. Yeah buddy. . .again.
More soon.
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