Holy cow it's been a while
So, after looking at the dashboard of our blog's main login page it became clear that our lives are probably way, way too busy. Last post. . . April 3. Yuck. That's terrible, and it's not fair to you, the fans who check back in to see how things are going. Where would we be without your love and devotion? We tend to blame Facebook and Twitter. Social media is not only addictive, but the tools they provide for pictures and updates are just soooo stinkin' easy to use. Fortunately, this blog feed is now going to our Facebook account so whether you're reading it from there or the Blogger RSS feed you've got options. Sort of like Obamacare. Wait, no not like that crap at all. Think the opposite.
So, since our last "chat" a lot has happened in our lives. Just when it seemed like the school year would never end, Kim finally went from one day being done with the regular school year to starting summer school the next. Thank you mother nature for dropping tons of snow and cold weather on us this past winter. You're officially on the B list of people we invite to VIP events. Because of all the snow days it made for running from one position right into the next. She also attended Special Olympics with her students in Springfield (complete with a trip to Lambert's Cafe) and had a great time seeing the kids exceed all expectations and do well in each of their events. Kim has also joined Marc's addiction to P90X and while she's not quite sure if she loves it, she doesn't totally hate it (yet).
We said goodbye to one of Jakob's teachers at daycare who has literally had him since our first day. She's staying in his old classroom and he's advancing on to the next. It was probably tougher on her and us than Jakob. All he kept saying is, "I'm going to the Zebra room with two slides!" He's more than just a little excited, and we heard from his teachers that he's been the best at adapting to his new surroundings with no problems. They may tell all the parents that, but we don't care. In addition, his musical talent continues to increase. He's officially in love with the drums and it's become a force we cannot stop. He doesn't know it, but he's getting a toddler trap set from Nana and Pape and us for his birthday. Tonight, I had on a Jonsi song that has a ton of drums and he literally "air drummed" correctly in beat. This is happening faster than we anticipated.
The hardest part has been seeing his independence grow. It's not that we don't want him to have a mind of his own and begin to race out into the world to greet all of it's wonder, but we still miss the little guy we held in the hospital almost three years ago. I find myself treasuring the times he will sit still and drink his juice or milk on my lap while we watch the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, or holding him in the morning when all he wants to do is sleep and cuddle. As a parent I want to hold on to him and protect him but I know he'll have days where he wants to learn the hard way. Heaven help us on those days.
Last night, I watched him and his friend Makel play outside at our weekly small group get together and I could see his personality and his vocabulary on display. I have told a few of our friends and family that Jakob and three of his friends from daycare (including Makel) are like a junior "A-Team" with Jakob as "Face" because he's so charming and gorgeous and Makel as BA because he's always got Jakob's back. As proud as it makes me, I know he's moving into that time where each day he'll need me less and less. Sure, that's what every parent needs, but it's easier said than done.
The other day I took stock in all the past parenting my parents gave me as well as the tips and tricks others who had children before us passed on (advice both wanted and unwanted, ha) and realized that there hasn't been any blueprint with Jakob. He's as predictable as he is an enigma. At times, that's exactly what we love and other times we're left clueless on what to do. Hold on, I'm being asked to sing:
"Hot dog! Hot dog! Hot diggity dog! If you've got ears it's time to cheer! Hot dog! Hot dog! Hot diggity dog! HOT DOG!"
Okay, the Mickey episode is over. It's already June and that means before we know it Jakob's third birthday will be here. We will be posting his first video which contains footage of him when he was in the hospital. It was before we were on Facebook and it serves as a helpful reminder, when he's quite the bear, of where he came from and how innocent he really is. Sometimes. Course, right now I need to help him understand that it's not the best idea to take the toilet paper all completely off the holder and scatter it around the bathroom. Like George Costanza he's probably going to say, "Was that wrong? Because honestly, I'm going to have to claim ignorance on that one."
More soon.