Happy Christmas Jakob
"So this is Christmas. . . and what have you done?"
John and Yoko asked that question at Record Plant Studios in New York City in late October 1971. This has been an interesting year, and believe it or not we have an answer to the question above.
Now before you switch off and head elsewhere, this is not just another Christmas letter. In fact, it's not a letter at all, but more a reflection . . .nay a mission statement. Okay, not a mission statement.
Each year, like other parents, we try to introduce Jakob to new things, and this year was no different. Sure, our methods are unorthodox and he's definitely gaining cool points by the second, but that's not important. What is important is that he's slowly becoming more and more aware of his surroundings which is fun to see and a little scary. His inner wheels are turning and also his independence is growing. There was a time when he wanted us for everything. If his "spidey sense" went off even remotely, he wanted up or to be held by mommy or daddy. Now, he wants to walk everywhere and is continually telling us "No, I do it!" He also speaks about himself in third person citing quips like, "No, Jakob's mow-mow" or "Jakob's monkey." We've noted that for the most part only boxers and hip hop artists do that. We're hoping he turns out to become neither.
When we take him to the zoo in Omaha or a Royals game or even just to the pool two doors down he's taking it all in. When we go to church he has to go into the side auditorium to see the stage, guitars and candles. Those Kindermusic sessions at daycare are working out just fine. We're hoping one day his charisma and talent takes him places involving a stage and guitars (candles optional). His memories are in full foundation mode and they are shaping him. Everything he sees he wants to experience and everything he hears he is repeating. The spelling phase is officially upon us.
This summer we had a little trouble explaining that there would just be some things we do/like/possess that will get him flack from his friends. Things like the fact that Marc is more than just a little bit of a Star Wars junkie and Kim's favorite band is Def Leppard.
To combat that we have tried to start him early. He loves to hang out in the basement with daddy and play guitars together and watch the Lego Star Wars game on XBOX. He also loves to dance with us in the kitchen and make cookies with mommy. He's also amazingly talented at chasing and being chased/tickled.
So, another year is over and he's only getting smarter, cuter and more amazing. Hopefully, you've seen the movies which are evidence of this. If not, check out his YouTube channel. It's been critically acclaimed by the Sundance Channel as the "feel good little tough guy movie series of the year" three years in a row.
The funny thing is that we're learning just as much as he is. It's been said that the trick to parenting is just showing up. That's true with Jakob. We know there will come a time when he doesn't want us to be around and just wants to hang with his friends or spend time alone. We know he will tell us what's cool and how we're not (all the while we'll reminisce on doing the same to our parents when we were young). We know one day down the road he will even leave us and go to college, get married and be something great. And as proud as we will be of him, we'll miss these times.
We'll miss holding him in the NICU three years ago and the freaked out feeling of knowing our dream of getting him was finally realized. We'll miss keeping track of all of his baby/toddler firsts especially the Mother's Day when he said "dada" all day. With him running around at full speed all the time now, Marc will miss the mornings when Jakob lays in his arms at dawn sleeping peacefully. It's those days that it's hard not to call in sick.
So, what have we done this year? We've learned right along with him and we hope by next Christmas we will have learned even more. Next year, Jakob will be ready to ride rides at theme parks, potty train, go to the movies and usher in the beginnings of "big kid" things. It's going to be awesome.
More soon.