New direction
It's been quite a while since our last post. It feels like the more we plan for things, the less time we tend to have. Jakob continues to grow and advance and it seems he's hell bent and determined on becoming his own person. He's testing the waters in every aspect and has begun outsmarting us on many levels.
We've entitled this post "new direction" because we're trying something new. Some of you will be reading the RSS feed of this from but now more of you can hopefully chime in via Facebook. We've found the directions on how to get this to link up with it and it seems much more worthwhile now.
As we explained in a previous post, with Twitter, email and Facebook, Blogger tends to get lost in the mix. It's not that Jakob's story isn't worth continuing on here, it's more a time constraint. Here's a brief glimpse of what we've gone through since August 6, the date of our last post:
- Jakob turned 2 and after much planning, we were able to host the second most amazing party ever
- Marc has been asked to be the 2010 Kansas City PRSA Membership Chair
- Kim has been planning lunch/movie days for this year and Special Olympics for her kids at school
- We took Jakob to see "Big Trucks" on display at Liberty South Valley Junior High (photos on Facebook)
- Marc is on the Kansas City PRSA PRISM Awards Planning Committee
- Kim serves on the nursery team at church
- Marc went to Asheville, NC, to attend a Vineyard Worship Leaders' Retreat
- We finally finished Jakob's Bat Cave new big boy room and moved him into it (photos on Facebook)
- Kim and Jakob went to Iowa to help her parents move into their new home, approximately 100 feet away from their old home, :)
- Marc had his second gastric scope to see how his acid reflux medication is doing
- Jakob had his first overnight vacation at Nana and Pape's house
So, as you can see, with all of this and work on top of it, we've been swamped. We have the best intentions of being more faithful to this post, but we have to wonder, are people really reading? Most bloggers want to know what they're writing about is interesting, and while we feel our boy is the next best thing to sliced bread, we hope you all find his life interesting too.
The latest news is that Jakob's competitive side and possessiveness has kicked into full swing. He's used the infamous "no," "mine" and "I do it!" on a regular basis. It should be known that he's both teething and still suffering from having 4+ sided tonsils (based on a scale of 1-4), but he still has it in his head that when he wants something or doesn't want to do something he makes it known. Thankfully, he's still doing quite well in daycare and his teachers love him.
But, sadly, we've been stricken with a fatal flaw. We love him. We love him like no other and he means the world to us. We reassure him when he acts up and has sat on the couch for his "2 minutes" that there is nothing he could ever do that would make us love him any less and he is always forgiven.
So, we'll keep you posted on how things progress and add photos here and there in the hopes there are a lot of you who care. . . :)
More soon.