"May" we share about Jakob?

Okay, bad joke. For those of you who don't get it, it's a reference to the month of May coupled with the use of the word "may" in a manners question. Yes, it's a bit of a reach, but that's what we do.
First, if you're on Twitter, check us out at @vasquez007.

This month Jakob continues to advance in communication skills. He's learned to say "no" when he feels like being obtuse, but he's also shaking his head with it. He's also developed the funniest laugh that's a bit more high pitch. He's pointing out "bus," "caw-caw," (bird) and every four-legged creature is either a "woof-woof," "meow," or "moo."

We like to watch "Deadliest Catch" on the Discovery Channel. Everything I know about coiling rope or hoses over a railing I owe to the guys on the Cordilia Marie.

To recap, on Mother's Day Marc co-lead worship at Vineyard and then we decided to see how the other half lives and went with Marc's parents to The Elms for a killer buffet. The weather was great and we all had a fantastic time celebrating Kim's second Mother's Day and Marc's mom's 35th. :)

Jakob has decided that his name is "buddy." We can't imagine where he gets that from. Oh wait. I could be because we call him that ALL THE TIME. He now says, "mama," "daddy," "buddy." Nice. Project Jakob-is-my-name reprogramming will commence soon.

With the weather turning warmer, we decided to fire up the grill only to find that due to the lack of large trees in our area BIRDS had built a grill-sized nest inside. This came complete with five screaming baby birds. Because Marc is more than a bit of a germophobe and Kim thinks it's . . . well. . . gross, Jakob sprang into action. He went comparison shopping at Lowe's and Home Depot and bought daddy a brand new awesome grill.

Next week, Kim and Jakob will be heading up to Iowa during Kim's week off from school before summer school starts up to spend some quality time with her folks. The first week of June Marc heads to Chicago for an event site visit. This weekend is Memorial Day and we honor those who have fought before us and who are currently fighting to protect our freedoms. Thanks especially to our dads.
More soon.