Since we last met, a lot has gone on with our family. This year has started off rather stressful for our family, and it's only March! As you probably know, we've been feeling the pressure of things with our jobs like meetings and being overwhelmed for Kim and lots of travel and too many projects at work for Marc. That coupled with the untimely death of Kim's grandmother and a lot of little appointments and meetings in our personal lives has made for a very busy beginning to 2009.

Jakob continues to amaze us as his personality and intelligence grows. He has mastered two of the baby signing books and it's come in handy for him to help communicate until his vocabulary matures. That said, he's also learned to say some things he used to only motion. He now waves and verbalizes "hi" or "bye" when he does it. He also shrugs and vocalizes "Don't know" when we ask "Where's daddy?" or "Where's mommy?" Probably the coolest thing he does, and from what his daycare providers have told us is quite advanced, is that he's eating successfully with a child metal fork. We've implemented it at home as well and he's quite the pro.

We found out this week that in the near future he's going to be heading into the next classroom. It's bittersweet for us as on the one hand we know he needs to move on as he's growing to be with his friends he's not seen in a while, but on the other hand, we really like his current teachers and the accolades they give him.

Jakob likes for us to build things with blocks and then he comes along to crush them down to which he then yells out, "Ohhhhhh nooooooooo!" Check out his latest YouTube additions here:
Two weeks ago, Marc was unexpectedly hospitalized with an infection that turned into a 104 degree temperature. It was his first overnight hospital stay and fortunately he wasn't alone. Marc's mom works at Liberty Hospital and came by as well as his dad who is retired. In addition, his good friend Matt was able to stop by the house to pick up some clothing and shower supplies from Kim for him. While he was in the hospital, Kim was dealing with Jakob who had decided to get a 24 hour flu at the same time. All in all it was a stressful time, but we're all beginning to feel better.
Over the last week and a half, Jakob has been restless at night. We aren't sure if it's his teething, a cold or just growing pains, but he's frequently getting up and crying at his door for us to come get him. We usually only have to put him back in bed and tell him that it's time for "night-nights" and within a few minutes he's out again, but it's made for uneasy sleep for us and him. We're hoping he breaks this habit soon and goes back to sleeping through the night like before.
This weekend we have a church small group Rock Band party to go to on Saturday. We're looking forward to seeing people from our small group and individuals from other small groups that we haven't gotten to talk with in a while. Should be fun and we'll probably have some great photos of it to show you in our next post.
In a few weeks, Marc turns 35. Seems like only yesterday he was enjoying a weekend full of surprise parties as he turned 30. Kim said she has some great things in mind for what he hopes will be a 5 day long celebration. :)
This weekend rocked! Great weather and we got to go outside with the little boy. When we came back in Jakob threw a major fit letting us know he's definitely happier in warm weather!
More soon.