Our 90th post is Jakob's first. . .

This year we decided to let Jakob write the family Christmas letter. This is what he came up with:
New Year’s Eve I fell asleep. Mommy and Daddy took video of the day and of me asleep though. In January, Daddy went to Chicago and Orlando for work. I was sick a lot this month, but I got better.
In February, I turned six months old and my daddy’s car died. Not on the same day. He bought a new cool black one. I had “company” on the 14th while mommy and daddy went to the Hereford House. They kissed a lot that day.
In March, I went to the doctor again. I got to spend a whole week with mom while she was on something called spring break. It was fun. At the end of the month mommy and me celebrated my daddy’s birthday with Nana and Pape.
I got acquainted again with the doctor in April. My daddy started to help lead worship at Sunday morning church, and daddy and me went with mommy to Special Olympics to see her students compete.
In May, I experienced my first Tornado when it hit our housing addition. It was loud and scary, but our house was on the news. We went to court on May 5 and I am now officially and completely my mommy and daddy’s little boy! My mommy also helped at a Special Ed school dance, and later in the month my family and friends came out for a welcome home party for me! Mommy was done with school this month for summer, too.
I got to go with mommy to see daddy at work and have lunch in June. Daddy says that when mommy is off she may as well come see them because Days of Our Lives and Gilmore Girls isn’t on all day. We celebrated daddy’s heritage at an Italian Festival and I also went with mommy to her school to get our picture taken with all the other new mommies. Later, we were in the car for a long time while we went up to northern Iowa to see some of mommy’s relatives at an annual family camp out.
We celebrated Independence Day in July with family and friends from church, and later that month mommy and me started going to the library for story time. My daddy also went to New Orleans for work and he said it was hot. He brought me and mommy back presents. The weekend afterward mommy and daddy went to spend some time together for their anniversary while I got to spend time with my aunt and cousins from Iowa.
I finally had my first birthday and my first birthday party in August. I went to the doctor again. I got shots. They hurt. At the end of the month, I went with mommy, daddy and Nana to Santicaligon Days in Independence, MO.
We went with Nana to Kearney where my daddy grew up to the Jesse James Days parade in September. The following weekend I went with daddy back to Kearney to sit with Nana and Pape to watch daddy in the Homecoming Parade. At the end of the month, I got to celebrate the birthday of my friends from church Bella and Teagan who both turned one.
In October, I went to the Renaissance Festival with my parents and some friends from church, and on Halloween I went trick or treating with mommy and daddy in the ewok from Star Wars costume my Nana made.
My Grandpa and Grandma from Iowa came to visit in November. Grandma and Grandpa came to visit me because they missed me so much. I heard Mommy and Daddy talking that Grandpa wasn’t feeling too well, but he sure played a lot with me on the floor. I had so much fun when they watched me while Mommy and Daddy were at work. I got to see my aunt, uncle and cousin from Kansas and for the second year in a row I slept through Thanksgiving. Mommy says I do that a lot.
Now it’s December, and mommy keeps talking about how she’s so excited about me opening presents. I do really like the paper. Last week, I had surgery to get tubes in my ears. I had a good time and got to ride in a wagon. I feel much better now. I’m going to get my picture with Santa this weekend and then in a few weeks it will be Christmas. We’re going to see most of my family and I’m looking forward to it. Mostly, I’m glad to be in this family. My mommy and daddy tell me they’ve already got the best present ever. I don’t know what that means. None of the boxes have their names on them under the tree.
New Year’s Eve I fell asleep. Mommy and Daddy took video of the day and of me asleep though. In January, Daddy went to Chicago and Orlando for work. I was sick a lot this month, but I got better.
In February, I turned six months old and my daddy’s car died. Not on the same day. He bought a new cool black one. I had “company” on the 14th while mommy and daddy went to the Hereford House. They kissed a lot that day.
In March, I went to the doctor again. I got to spend a whole week with mom while she was on something called spring break. It was fun. At the end of the month mommy and me celebrated my daddy’s birthday with Nana and Pape.
I got acquainted again with the doctor in April. My daddy started to help lead worship at Sunday morning church, and daddy and me went with mommy to Special Olympics to see her students compete.
In May, I experienced my first Tornado when it hit our housing addition. It was loud and scary, but our house was on the news. We went to court on May 5 and I am now officially and completely my mommy and daddy’s little boy! My mommy also helped at a Special Ed school dance, and later in the month my family and friends came out for a welcome home party for me! Mommy was done with school this month for summer, too.
I got to go with mommy to see daddy at work and have lunch in June. Daddy says that when mommy is off she may as well come see them because Days of Our Lives and Gilmore Girls isn’t on all day. We celebrated daddy’s heritage at an Italian Festival and I also went with mommy to her school to get our picture taken with all the other new mommies. Later, we were in the car for a long time while we went up to northern Iowa to see some of mommy’s relatives at an annual family camp out.
We celebrated Independence Day in July with family and friends from church, and later that month mommy and me started going to the library for story time. My daddy also went to New Orleans for work and he said it was hot. He brought me and mommy back presents. The weekend afterward mommy and daddy went to spend some time together for their anniversary while I got to spend time with my aunt and cousins from Iowa.
I finally had my first birthday and my first birthday party in August. I went to the doctor again. I got shots. They hurt. At the end of the month, I went with mommy, daddy and Nana to Santicaligon Days in Independence, MO.
We went with Nana to Kearney where my daddy grew up to the Jesse James Days parade in September. The following weekend I went with daddy back to Kearney to sit with Nana and Pape to watch daddy in the Homecoming Parade. At the end of the month, I got to celebrate the birthday of my friends from church Bella and Teagan who both turned one.
In October, I went to the Renaissance Festival with my parents and some friends from church, and on Halloween I went trick or treating with mommy and daddy in the ewok from Star Wars costume my Nana made.
My Grandpa and Grandma from Iowa came to visit in November. Grandma and Grandpa came to visit me because they missed me so much. I heard Mommy and Daddy talking that Grandpa wasn’t feeling too well, but he sure played a lot with me on the floor. I had so much fun when they watched me while Mommy and Daddy were at work. I got to see my aunt, uncle and cousin from Kansas and for the second year in a row I slept through Thanksgiving. Mommy says I do that a lot.
Now it’s December, and mommy keeps talking about how she’s so excited about me opening presents. I do really like the paper. Last week, I had surgery to get tubes in my ears. I had a good time and got to ride in a wagon. I feel much better now. I’m going to get my picture with Santa this weekend and then in a few weeks it will be Christmas. We’re going to see most of my family and I’m looking forward to it. Mostly, I’m glad to be in this family. My mommy and daddy tell me they’ve already got the best present ever. I don’t know what that means. None of the boxes have their names on them under the tree.
Oh well. . . see you next year.
Love, Jakob
Jakob does the spiderman dance: www.youtube.com/watch?v=mE2BQyYc5Kw