First Easter
Ah, our first Easter with Jakob, and like other things our family does, it came with its share of hurdles.
Jakob is still getting over being sick Wednesday night and since he's good at sharing, he decided to pass it on to his dear old dad. Since Friday night, Marc has perfected the "keep nothing down or in" diet and lost nearly 6 pounds. Will summer ever get here?!?!
Jakob has had opportunities to hear and see the vacuum, but has never confronted the beast, until now. We were there to catch the action as Jakob faces the monster:
In addition, he has oodles of creativity including being temperamental when his song doesn't come out the way he anticipated. See more at:
As mentioned, we celebrated Easter with a great message at Vineyard Friday evening and then surrounded by Nana, Poppa, Great Uncle Wiley, Great Aunt Sandy, Cousin Gina, Uncle Nic and Aunt Lindsey. Since photos speak louder than words, check it out:
Jakob has had opportunities to hear and see the vacuum, but has never confronted the beast, until now. We were there to catch the action as Jakob faces the monster:
In addition, he has oodles of creativity including being temperamental when his song doesn't come out the way he anticipated. See more at:
As mentioned, we celebrated Easter with a great message at Vineyard Friday evening and then surrounded by Nana, Poppa, Great Uncle Wiley, Great Aunt Sandy, Cousin Gina, Uncle Nic and Aunt Lindsey. Since photos speak louder than words, check it out:

He's such a big boy now and he LOVES the great Tonka toy his Aunt Jill got him for Christmas.

One thing too that you'll notice is that Jakob has learned to wink. Or the flash is big from the camera. We choose to see it as winking. Thanks to Sandy and Gina for the great additional Easter photos from today:

Go Middle Tennessee State University Blue Raiders (where his cousin Tony goes to school)! Now Jakob is a Raider fan twice. . .blue and silver & black.

This week is going to be packed with our Christian Family Services case worker Susan coming to visit and then a small group workshop on Thursday, all leading up to Marc's birthday one week from tomorrow. Thanks for catching up with us!
More soon.