Back to waiting, and back from Vegas

Vegas taught Marc one thing. He never wants to go there again. Course it didn't help that the conference he was attending coincided with the NBA All-Star Game and Chinese New Year (insert your own joke here). Marc's not an NBA fan so you can imagine how much fun it was. It's easy to see how the band Dirty Vegas got its name.
He stayed at Caesar's Palace and got to see a lot of the cool architecture in the area, but the two highlights were attending a Cirque de Soleil: LOVE performance and the event he organized at The House of Blues Foundation Room. This particular Cirque show is based on the music of The Beatles and appeases every sense of sight, sound and feeling:

The Foundation Room at The House of Blues Las Vegas is like nothing else. Very Eastern in architecture, very eclectic with a fantastic balcony and atmosphere:
There are also additional photos at
On Tuesday evening we took a "Baby Basics" class at Liberty Hospital. It was a full evening and while it was three hours of comprehensive information, it did prove to answer quite a few of our questions. We're looking forward to taking other classes in the upcoming weeks to help us get in touch with our baby (when he or she arrives!)
Tomorrow (Friday) Kim has the day off from school due to parent/teacher conferences this week and Marc is taking the day off as well. Together we will be painting the nursery while our handyman friend Chad fixes a leak in our garage ceiling. The duct work has to be ripped out in a four foot section just to get to the source of the problem. Ah, the joys of home ownership strike again!
So, for the time being we're still wishin' and hopin', thinkin' and prayin'. We could really use your prayer as well as we continue this quest. We would also ask you to pray for God to help us deal with the recent increase in job stress we are both feeling.
We'll have photos of the completed nursery next week!