This blog serves as a record of our adoption, life and love of our son, Jakob.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Nothing super-new to report. . .

Lately we feel like we're running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

We're both overwhelmed at work to the point that we look forward to Friday evenings. Friday evening we're reminded we don't have to work the next day and we get to sleep in. Ahhh. . .in with the good thoughts. . .out with the bad.

The individuals we selected have received reference letters from Christian Family Services and sending them in on our behalf. If you have received a letter, thank you so much for agreeing to be a part of this exciting event. We cannot express to you how amazing you are! Because of what you're doing, we will soon be able to get past our infertility problems and the emotional baggage that goes with them and look our new son or daughter in the eyes with love and joy.

In the next few weeks we will begin putting our family book together to provide to perspective mothers. We are also about to begin the homestudy process. Again, this is where the real financial aspects begin and we're still praying God shows us the best way to deal with the debt that goes along with adoption. We are confident He will show us the way.

This weekend is Thanksgiving and we're excited to have four days off! We plan to have Marc's mother, father, aunt, uncle and their kids in so with a house of eight, this will be our largest holiday get together (other than the house-warming party over the summer) we have ever had!

Next week we will have pictures of our recent overnight baby-sitting of our good friends Joel and Cerise Edwards' youngest, Justin (6 months), Marc's adventure putting up lights on the outside of the new house and day after Thanksgiving shopping beginning at 6 a.m.!

More soon.