Uncharted territory

We have had a couple of recent events we wanted to share with you. First, Marc received the opportunity to go to New York City with work. Second, and most importantly, we completed our adoption paperwork and sent it in for review. Finally, Kim celebrated her birthday.
New York City was like nothing Marc had ever seen before. While there he ran into Carson Daly, former host of MTV's TRL,

While the photos on this blog serve as a representation of the experience, they hardly can capture it. New York City is a city that is alive with activity. The way of life there is like nothing else, and it is definitely a place worth spending some time examining. Marc even said that while Kansas City is his home, he would consider living there for a short period of time if he knew he could come back.
With the events that happened on and after September 11, 2001, seeing Ground

While Marc didn't get to actually go to and tour the Statue of Liberty, he was able to see it from Battery Park and it was yet another thing New York has to offer. He also rode the subway and went to Times Square. Times Square is every bit as big as

In addition, Marc took in his first Broadway show, seeing The Phantom of the Opera. It was both powerful and moving, a sight he hopes to show Kim in the years to come.
In addition, we have overcome the second milestone in the adoption process. We

Hi! Sorry to be so delayed in getting back to you. Did want to let you know that we received the packet you mailed, along with your check. I have been really busy with several situations and sorry I haven’t had a chance to process the info yet. I hope to do by next week and then will want to schedule some individual interviews with you as the next step. You might also let your references know that we’ll probably be sending out the letters soon.
Thanks for your patience!
So, your prayers are working and we really appreciate them! Thank you so much. Please continue to pray things continue to go well. We're hoping God blesses us with a financial plan so we're ready when the home study and legal proceedings happen.
We can't help but see other little ones while we're out and smile knowing God will soon be blessing us with a child of our own.

Finally, Kim celebrated her birthday on October 25 and while she had a few things on her list, there was one she wanted most of all. She is now able to straighten her hair just like they do in salons with her new CHI ceramic straightner. She's very excited and as you can see from the photo it makes her look even more like a princess.
On a separate note, Marc's good friend Mark Bond called from Branson during the Chris Tomlin concert and Marc got to hear Tomlin's new song "Glorious" off his new See the Morning album. Incredible stuff.
More soon.