This blog serves as a record of our adoption, life and love of our son, Jakob.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The evolution of pessimism to realism

Just when we thought it was safe to see things through pessimistic-colored glasses, God reminded us He's still big and we're still not.

First off, sorry it's been a while since we updated you on things in the Vasquez world. So much has happened that we haven't been able to take a minute to write it all down. So tonight, at 12:40 a.m., we're taking time to do so . . . so if we begin . . . to nod off . . . just . . .

Whoa! We're awake! Promise!

Okay, time to bring you up to speed. Marc's gastrointestinal procedure went well and he's on a medication that should take care of everything. If you have a minute, ask him about it. The parts of the procedure (before and after) he remembers are funny, then ask Kim about the parts he doesn't remember, even more funny.

Last week we committed ourselves to completing our adoption paperwork and all the information needed in the pre-application packet and it was sent to Christian Family Services. Now, we wait while they process our application and do our background checks. Most likely some of you are snickering at the thought of Marc's background check. Knock it off. :)

After much prayer and a feeling of God laying it on our hearts, we decided to return to Northside Christian Church. We visited Sunday, April 9, and had an amazing time. We felt at peace, convicted by the service and it was great to not only see friends, but also to see the amazing things God is doing there.

Thursday, April 13 was a big day. That day, Marc had his yearly review (yes, one year ago your prayers were answered and God granted me my fantastic career!) and not only did it go VERY favorably, but he also found out his manager selected him to attend the AVMA Conference from July 14-17 to oversee the public relations event. This year, the conference takes place in Honolulu, Hawaii, and Kim will get to join him on the trip. We will be able to stay until the following weekend, and as many of you know our wedding anniversary is on July 18, so this works out PERFECTLY. Needless to say, Kim is MORE than a little happy.

Easter weekend we were able to head up to Churdan, Iowa, to visit Kim's parents and hang out with Kim's sisters twin boys. Marc got to do some fishing with Kim's dad and Kim was able to spend some quality time with her mom and grandmother.

In addition, Kim has a new obsession, house hunting. We've had our house on the market for a week and a half and continue to have an average of one showing every other day. We just LOVE having to keep the house spotless every day before we go to work in case someone comes by to see it . . . not. We're also looking at homes in Liberty and hope the one we're looking for opens up and that someone will put an offer on our house as well.

Kim continues to scramble to complete her IEP's, teaching and school work in preparation for the end of the school year in May. She's already begun counting down the days, and with our trip in July she has even more reason to now.

It's been quite a positive whirlwind and we're excited at the blessings God continues to grant us. As always, we would ask for your prayer as we try to wait patiently for CFS to respond and continue to test the realty market both buying and selling.

Thanks for stopping by. More soon.

P.S. Check out the "Pictures" page of to see images of Marc's recent GI examination. Good stuff!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Stuck in neutral

Tuesday, March 28, we received the unfortunate news that the owners of the home in Liberty we put an offer on, received a "non-contingent" offer to purchase from another perspective buyer . . . and took it. Looks like it's back to square one again, nothing new. That sucks, although we're sure it's just not the house God wanted for us. No biggie.

Congratulations to Matt and Jennifer Brunk. Their third daughter, Mia Grace, arrived March 28, healthy, happy and beautiful.

Marc took some vacation time from March 29-31 to have an extended birthday celebration. Marc's birthday was rather eventful consisting of sleeping in, haircut (Mmmm. . just like buying a new car!), lunch at Qdoba and screening of "The Hill's Have Eyes" with his father, followed by going with mom, dad and Kim to Kona Grill on the Plaza for sushi, swordfish, seabass and . . . uh, chicken.

Saturday, while moving things to the Brunk home we ran into the Morrison's as they moved to their new home and John and Angie Sidden whom we haven't seen in a long time. Great time. That night, Marc went to see good friend Josh and Durbo in Raytown to ride mini (and we mean MINI) bikes and hang out for a little impromptu after birthday celebration.

We've decided to still go ahead and put our house on the market to see what comes up, and together Marc and Kim (mostly through Kim's motivation) are finally ready. We've now got a new stained front deck, painted inside door, clean (no, spotless!) house and a lot less stuff (which currently is in storage in the Brunk basement).

With everything that's been going on we've really been trying to make sense of the adoption process and get remotivated. We received the application from Christian Family Services and will be completing it tomorrow to send in to get things moving again. We feel a little stuck in neutral as we look for a new place to live in Liberty and a church home as well as wondering what God will bring our way in the form of a little one for us. We continue to pray, but no answers have come yet.

Marc goes in for a gastrointestinal procedure Tuesday and hopefully will have some pictures (from "within") to share shortly after on his website.

Kim continues to be a rock through all of this and is ready to get out of neutral, and on into drive.

If you get a chance, check out "Passion 06: Everything Glorious" on CD now. Thanks Bondo, it rocks.

Thank you for your support and prayer. We love you guys.

Moving forward.