This blog serves as a record of our adoption, life and love of our son, Jakob.

Monday, March 27, 2006

In completely unrelated news. . .

The Third Day/David Crowder Band concert Thursday, March 23, was pretty darn incredible. See pictures from the "phat beat" experience at Keep in mind they were taken 20 rows back with a Sprint camera phone. Thanks to Kimmi for making it possible to go to the show.

The same night of the concert, the dance that was sponsored by two of the clubs Kim is involved with at SVJH, was a total success. More than 40 students came out for the Hawaiian Luau Dance and it looks like this is the start of many more to come. Kimmi rocks.

Marc is ingrained in a book Mark Bond gave him by Rob Bell called, "Velvet Elvis." Marc's only through the first chapter, and it has to easily be one of the most thought provoking and illuminating works on Christianity.

Tuesday, March 28, our realtor Kristi, the best realtor in the known universe ( will be putting our offer on the house we hope to move to in Liberty, Mo. More details on that as things proceed.

We have decided to also look into Christian Family Services, an adoption mission that Liberty Church of Christ works with, and received a packet of information from them. We will be filling it out and sending it in this week. We've heard great things about them and the fees they charge associated with adoption are quite a bit less than that of The Light House. It's not that we're looking to "nickel and dime" our way to a child, but as many have told us, we'd rather spend less on acquiring a child and more actually on it once it's truly ours.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support. We hope God is preparing us to have a new home, new parenting 2006. "Forever, God is faithful, forever, God is strong."

More soon.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Yes! Being the Mayor of "Square One" rocks!

Sorry for the delay in posting something, "Moose out front shoulda told ya." If that didn't make sense, you're not a child of the 80's. Go directly to to get familiarized. Many of you either know of or experienced the numerous hail storms we had two weekends ago. That day our digital phone and modem turned into expensive paper weights and rendered useless. Ergo, we haven't had the chance to update you.

A few things have happened since we last sat down for tea and strumpets. Kim and Marc found out that the U.S. Postal Service is not a friend. The documents assembled and sent to The Light House adoption agency were lost in the mail. Since then we have received a new packet and will be forwarding all the information and initial fees again. We've chosen to look at it as empowering. We want a child and we're ready for the hurdles that are destined to take place to make that happen.

In addition, we are in the pre-approval process to finally make the move to Liberty and to what we hope will be the house we see our children grow up and we grow old in. We meet with our favorite State Farm agent, Matt Brunk and Julie Kilson (shamless plug) to go over the paperwork and as we used to say on the mean streets of Kearney, "get dis party started." We'll keep you posted on how things progress on both these fronts.

Thursday, Marc will be attending the Third Day concert with everybody's favorite worship minister and Dance DJ Extreme champion, Mark Bond to celebrate their upcoming March 31st shared birthday. Pictures to be available on this weekend. Kim will be helping to host a dance event for her students and students from other schools. This is a ground-breaking, never before done event. She's definitely one of the cool kids.

Thanks for your continued prayer. If you're reading this, it's most likely not because you stumbled upon it by mistake. We really appreciate you.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It pays to follow up. . .

We've done our best to be patient, but the waiting was really beginning to get to us, so Marc had a great idea. When you don't have the information you desperately need. . .pester someone until you do, right?

This afternoon Marc emailed the Light House adoption representative he and Kim have been working with to see if their information and check had been received and processed. The Light House rep responded writing that while she was looking forward to working with us, our application and CHECK had not been received at their office.

Marc wasn't panicking. . .yet. The rep asked what address we had sent our information to and come to find out we had inadvertently sent our packet to their secondary building and the mail doesn't travel between buildings often. It is being looked into and we're supposed to hear back from her tomorrow about whether or not it has been located.

This little "adventure" only solidified the things we've been hearing about how this process promises to be a roller-coaster from start to finish. . .and everywhere in-between.