Hold on to your butts, because Kansas is going bye-bye. . .
Holy cow. As many of you know last night the northland was rocked with a major storm like nothing seen in quite a long time. There have been conflicting reports on whether it was a straight line wind storm or a full on tornado. Based on how the entire earth shook us awake at 1:34 a.m., it felt like a tornado. Our power has been out since 2 a.m., and the only light we saw last night was from those using flashlights to look around their homes and the many police officers with search lights passing by to make sure no one was injured. Marc surveyed the area after the storm at 3:00 a.m. with our neighbor while Kim tended to Jakob's first storm experience. Later this morning, we had many news helicopters flying overhead, and since images speak louder than words, behold these taken of Highway 291 that runs behind our house:

In addition, Kim put Jakob in the outfit Marc got while in Florida in January and it fits just fine. He's officially our first "Thing 1".

More soon.
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