That old familiar feeling. . .

It seems like each year April rolls around and we expect the snow and cold to be over only to have Mother Nature chuck one more day or weekend in that reminds us of why we hate February. That was this last weekend. Snow+cold+sick Jakob=no fun. In addition, because of the paparazzi, we're having trouble getting him in and out of the house without a barrage of flash bulbs. All attempts to disguise him or keep him out of the press have failed (see above). Our worst fears are revealed. He is the cutest baby in the world. . . nothing can stop his tyranny.

We're feeling like bad parents because it appears Jakob never has enough to play with. We were able to get his "small" pile of toys that are in the living room in the shot with him so you could see the lack of options.
The bad weather coupled with the fact that Jakob has been sick made for a tiring but surprisingly productive weekend with a few silver linings. The little boy has had another first and we now have to watch our fingers as a bottom front tooth has appeared.
Also, we're pretty sure he has said on more than one occasion, and to Marc, the word "da-da." It's not extremely frequent, but this last weekend it became much clearer. Now if we can get him to say "ma-ma" we'll be in business.

Although atypical for a boy, Jakob is also testing to see just how clean he can become. From Saturday through Sunday he had a total of three baths. The reason? He is on a new antibiotic which lasts until next Tuesday, and for some reason it has united with his bowels causing frequent and ginormous "evacuations" the likes the book of Exodus hasn't seen. With the frequent baths he does smell good and not so much like a piglet and we like that. We're also posting these in an attempt to keep up with our good friends the Coffin Family (see blog on right navigation) who have some awesome bath photos of son Tyler. The faux hawk and horns picture is a must at this age.
On Sunday, Marc helped lead worship for the first time in the Vineyard Venue service. He was really excited to be part of it and looks forward to doing it again in a month or so.
Last night, Jakob took some time out from chewing on a plastic book and playing in his bouncie to talk on the phone with Poppa, and would have talked with Nana, but she was in the midst of finalizing taxes for the big April 15 deadline. Jakob did his best to reassure her that in a few days she would feel better. :)
We're looking forward to the warm weather this week so we can hopefully get him outside again to enjoy it. This weekend Kim will also be heading to Special Olympics with her students to enjoy a full day of athletic fun. Marc and Jakob will also head down to support Mama.

More soon.
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