Fun with the little bear
In the time honored tradition of "messing," just as our parents messed with us and most likely their parents with them, we enjoyed a little fun with Jakob over the weekend. That's our lead in, but first, more evidence that the young man has no interest in crawling, but walking:

Jakob is no longer sleeping in one position as seen below. As a matter of fact, this morning, we found him lodged in the upper corner of his crib between the bumper and stuffed bear. He had no trouble kicking the sea animals display on the other side when it would turn off to show it exactly who's boss.

Yesterday, Marc brought home some sour candy and tested the waters on Jakob. At first, the sweet seemed to be having the only effect, but then the sour hit the back portion of Jakob's tongue and his facial expressions proved to be hilarious. Kim had fun taking photos of his new revelation:

The weekend wouldn't have been complete without sharing with you a messy face photo and a new piece of video. He's quite the messy eater these days and we're excited to take him to his first buffet when he's old enough:

Also yesterday, Jakob decided it was time he not only learned how to remove the plastic toy chain links from his bouncy, but also to figure out their durability. Check it out here:
We are busy counting down to Jakob's final (yes final) adoption hearing one week from tomorrow. The time seems to be going slow right now, but it's only a matter of time before it speeds up and seems like a blur.
This week Marc is unexpectedly heading to Los Angeles for a focus group at work, but we're pleased to report after his annual review, he has been promoted to senior account executive at his company. Kim is anxious to get the school year done and only has a few more IEPs to go. We're in the middle of the countdown to summer.
More soon.
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