Happy days are here again
Talk about a killer weekend! Okay, we will. So glad you asked. Sorry this post has taken so long. It's been a busy week.
First, headline news:

Jakob is well. Not just well, but as Mike Greenberg says on ESPN Radio's Mike and Mike in the Morning, he's "back and better than ever." It's great to see him happy and enjoying what we're sure is going to be one amazing summer!

Thursday evening our friends Chris and Dianne and their kids graciously spent a little time with Jakob while we went out for crab legs with Marc's parents to Jumpin' Catfish. Kim, who does not like crab, had the chicken Cordon Bleu. Please do not think less of her. :) We love the little boy, but it was nice to have some adult time without him just for a few hours (not what you're thinking gutter mind!) haha. This would be the first night we would try to get the house cleaned. . . and fail.
Friday, we received a surprise invitation to have dinner with our friends Josh and Amy who live in Lee's Summit that we haven't seen in a while. They brought their girls and we brought Jakob and met at Mimi's Cafe. Good food. Good friends. Good time. This was the second evening we would try to get the house cleaned. . . and fail.
Saturday morning we went to Special Olympics in Lee's Summit and froze our butts off. Note to Kansas City meteorologists: we probably need to get a working definition of "55 degrees" because it felt like 15 degrees outside with the wind. We stayed for a little while and got pictures of Kim with her kids and then got Jakob back to the safety and security of the Northland, haha.
Saturday afternoon, much like the "nice little Saturday" Will Ferrell has in the movie Old School, we went to Lowe's to ordered storm doors to be installed for the front and back doors. We're hoping we will soon be able to have both doors open with a nice breeze coming through since we don't have an attic fan in this house. I'm sure we'll have photos soon of the little boy inspecting the installation and the quality of the doors.
Saturday evening, Jakob fell asleep early after we got home from Vineyard services so Kim elected to stay home with him in the hopes of continuing to get him back on schedule (which has been awesome now that he's well again!). Marc went and hung out with people from our small groups for a fun evening of playing the game Rock Band. Not only is it pretty addictive, but fun, fun, fun, and he came home almost hoarse from singing songs like Metalica's "Enter Sandman" (pictured below with buddy Ben), Weezer's "Say It Ain't So," Bon Jovi's "Dead or Alive" and Nirvana's "In Bloom." Both the girl's and guy's bands rocked it out well. This game by far blows the Guitar Hero series out of the water and it's available on the best platform out there, the XBOX 360! This would be the third evening we would unsuccessfully get the house cleaned.
Sunday morning we got up leisurely and Kim made a great pancake breakfast. We enjoyed some time at home and then headed to the Pet Expo down at Hale Arena to introduce the little boy to the wonderful world of trade shows and one of Marc's client contacts. Jakob was quite honestly the most excited we've ever seen him at any given time and it was great to watch him take it all in.

After this, we spent some time with our good friends Mike and Cynthia working on our marriage mentoring tools and then headed to the Hereford House at Zona Rosa to capitalize on their happy hour prices. The weather was great and we spent a lot of time outside that day first on Mike and Cynthia's deck then at Zona Rosa. Good times again! That evening we came home and made a point to not even try to get the house cleaned! So there.
Monday evening the Charles Dickens classic line was the story of the evening: "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times." We decided to use a new bristle tool to clean out the dryer and Marc ended up losing the long skinny end in the dryer lint trap. After making many futile attempts to get it out with hooks, grabber tools and duct tape he resolved that Tuesday night would be needed to start again by taking the back off and retrieving what had fallen in. The upside is that in the middle of all of this we did finally get the house cleaned. Yeah buddy.
Tuesday evening, Marc took the back off the dryer and in what has to be the most painless of processes ever and got the bristle piece out and the back on in record time. That's obviously a huge praise God. This evening Jakob went down early and we have almost finished the massive amounts of laundry we have piled up since the lint trap cleaning debacle began.
The next few weekends hold quite a few fun events for us with Marc hanging out with some friends to watch a bit of the NFL Draft this Saturday and working the Vineyard worship services, the first weekend in May we will finally finalize Jakob's adoption, the second weekend in May Kim is having a Tastefully Simple party and celebrating her very first Mother's Day and the following weekend we will host a party in honor of finally being able to "legally" call the little boy ours. That's going to rock!
In the meantime, Marc finished up his final round of spinal steroid disc injections Tuesday and will continue physical therapy for the next few weeks, and Kim is in the process of finishing up her IEP meetings with her students' parents and planning for the end of the school year as it rapidly approaches.
Side note: As more of our friends begin doing blogs of their own, we would like to share their happiness with you. To the right navigation on our blog page we've added Matt Brunk Convergence, Carver Family Blog and I'm not sure why it took so long, but James Nored's blog is there now too. All good stuff.
We continue to make strides in this thing called parenting and through it Jakob has provided us with some of the highest highs, moments of growth in patience and some of the most frightening times we never thought we would witness. But, we love him more each day (if that's possible) and can't imagine life without him.
People tell us all the time that he's lucky to have us, but we are the ones who feel blessed by him. We're blessed in knowing he adds another area of completeness to our lives and we love to brag about honestly perfect strangers who come up to us at restaurants, stores, etc. when we're out and tell us how beautiful he is. It would be different if we heard that just from family and close friends, but we really did find the child God had planned for us from the very beginning. That's quite humbling.
As usual, more soon.
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