Celebrate good times, c'mon.
Last weekend we did it up Cool and the Gang style out at the pool house of a family friend to celebrate Jakob's official welcome home. We invited nearly 100 people from all over the United States and ended up having more than 70!

Everyone from old friends to new friends, clients to coworkers and of course family enjoyed the fun. Inside the room, we started at the door with the first photo we ever took of Jakob when he was born and in the NICU. The photos traveled around the room showing a timeline of his first 9 months and ended with a recent photo taken one week before the event. We also had balloons and decorations that matched the invitation along with a Mexican buffet, cake and champagne toast. It was a very touching and moving experience, and we hope the little guy knows just how special (and perfect) he really is. Yes, it's true. The news is out. He's the most amazing kid ever.

As a side note, Marc is finally learning to play guitar. Things have really fallen into place for it to happen and it's been a goal of his for quite a while. One friend has agreed to loan him a guitar to begin practicing on. Another has agreed to string it left-handed (because for some reason that feels right), and another friend who goes to church with us and is very well known in Christian music has offered to give him some lessons to get him off and running. The blessings from the people God has put us into contact with at Vineyard continue coming.
Marc's buddy Josh is leading worship in Lee's Summit and it's something he has dreamed about doing for quite a while. Josh sent Marc some great photos of some recent worship experiences and they are very cool. Josh is one of those few individuals who really looks like this is what he was meant to do. We've had our share of great worship leaders and a few really not so good ones. Josh is on the short list of people God has truly gifted.

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend and we've got some good plans, but nothing extravagant. Today, Kim got to go with her school kids to see The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. she said it rocks. She also reminded Marc that there are no more Monday's left in the school year and soon she will be off on summer break. Marc took Jakob to the doctor because it appears he has another slight ear infection. We've got him on antibiotics now and he's on the mend. Tomorrow, we're going to do our best to catch up on sleep before heading over to see some friends we haven't gotten to hang out with in quite a while. Sunday, we're planning to see Iron Man and then Monday head back to the movies to catch Speed Racer and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Thanks in advance to the Brunk's, Hatfield's and Cole's who agreed to watch Jakob so Kim and I can have a little RNR time! You guys rock! Monday, we have a going away party for some really great friends who have been leading our small group. While we're really (REALLY) not excited to see them go, God has really opened up an awesome opportunity for them and we're not going to be the ones that stand in the way. . .
Our next big quest is to find a new daycare for Jakob for the fall. Because of the ever-increasing cost of gas, our day care provider and her family are moving to Overland Park to be closer to her husband's job. We're sorry to see her go as Jakob loves going there and we love using her (it also helps that she's literally across 291 from us). God will provide though. We do know that much.
[Yawn] It's late. More soon.
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January 19, 2013
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