More than just a test of the waters. . .
When last we met, the little boy had started crawling and standing on his own when we would place him on the carpet. Yes, once again that doesn't seem to be enough. He's now crawling with an intensity and is pretty much the Speed Racer of crawling. In addition, Kim found him standing in the middle of the living room next to the Tonka riding toy all on his own. He's begun testing his legs without our help to see how long he can stand. Tonight, while Kim and I had supper, he stood holding on to the rocker and periodically let go to stand more with this look in his eye like "walking is coming." Scary.

Last Saturday, Marc decided it was time to finally pull the trigger on moving forward with immortalizing Jakob in ink. With his best friend Matt, he went to the Illustrated Man on North Oak in Gladstone and a few hours later returned home with this on his upper left arm:

Unfortunately, now he has "the itch" and can't wait to go back even before kid number 2 comes along and he adds more to his right arm.
On Sunday, we took the little boy up to Kearney to celebrate Marc's father's retirement at a party at Marc's parents' house. We grilled out an introduced Jakob to one of Marc's parents' cats. It didn't go so well. Check it out at: More on this cat later in the broadcast.

Monday, Marc, his brother and mother went to the VA Medical Center in Leavenworth, KS, to be part of Marc's dad's last day at work and the party they had for him. There were many colleagues who provided him with gifts, awards, well wishes and of course humorous moments.

Afterward, Marc had hoped to visit Michael Vick to find out when he would be out and again available to draft in fantasy football, but by the look of the place it appears they frown on visitors. . .

Being that Jakob is the most ridiculously good looking baby in the known universe, we continue to find ourselves with opportunities to share him with the world. Earlier this year, we placed his photos on Baby Gap's site for consideration for the 2008 Baby Contest. A few weeks ago, we submitted his photos to Parents' Magazine to be in a contest where the winner is placed on the cover. Today, we submitted his photos to Adoptive Families Magazine where he will soon be featured in one of the "real kids" sections. Now, if only we could get him to perfect "Magnum." (Only a certain percentage of people probably know what "Magnum" is. Jakob is going to be the ridiculously smart version of this:
As a side note to a story we brought you above, a special condolences go out to Marc's parents who found today that the beloved cat pictured in the above YouTube video with Jakob was in the middle of renal disease and FLUTD-related issues and the decision was made to not put her through any more suffering. Our thoughts go to them as they mourn this loss.
This weekend we would like to properly say a much needed thank you to all of the men and women who serve in our armed services both here and abroad defending human freedom against evil. You do not get the credit you deserve and without you we wouldn't have the ability to work, live, worship and prosper in the greatest country on earth.
And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. . .
More soon.
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