This blog serves as a record of our adoption, life and love of our son, Jakob.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The wait is over!

Like most newscasts, we thought we'd open with a few things that we reported on in the past before we get to the juicy stuff that happened last night.

Here are more photos of Marc and Jakob at Kearney's Homecoming two weekends ago where Jakob officially learned how to drink from a straw. He's totally got it down pat now:

Also, over time he has developed this habit of taking whatever he has in his hands or has been given and puts it behind his head. This includes, burp rags, blankets, toys, food, etc. Nice. We caught evidence of this in the car a few nights ago. Hadji, as he is now known as, did the following:

This is just a random photo of Jakob's girlfriend, Bella, and her father Ryan who really is a good guy. Really. Seriously. He just looks upset in photos. Not sure why, but funny nonetheless:

Kim is trying to get Jakob to read. Yuck. Marc works on making sure his outer image is right, not that it's a hard job. The kid is a model/athlete/scholar in the making already. Kim takes care of his intellectual side. We're pretty sure he's going to be humming "Hail to the Chief" soon. We've started referring to him as Governor Jakob around the house. See below the natural progression of chewing, behind the head check, reading, getting disinterested and coming for the camera as it unfolds:

Now, the big news you've all been waiting for. . . as a result of the coolness of my parents' cat Boots, Jakob walked around like he'd been doing it for years. He wanted so desperately to get a handful of the top of the cat's tail that he broke free form the safety of our fingers to go after it.

Sadly, we did not have our camera with us. . .

Because of this revelation, we're going to head to Toy's R Us and find something remote controlled for him to chase. Less to clean up and Marc is allergic to cats and dogs.

Tonight we have dinner with friends at Cafe Italia, tomorrow small group and Friday Marc will attend the PRSA PRISM Awards hoping the project he worked on won an award. This weekend, we're heading to the Renaissance Festival with some friends and Kim will be taking part in Special Olympics bowling with her kids on Saturday. Next week Marc heads to Orlando for a business trip. Good but busy times ahead!!

More soon.


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