Holy smokes, it's fall!
So, it's been quite a while since we last met and a lot has happened. Here's the agenda for this blog entry:
- Chiefs/Raiders Game
- Walking
- Bath time Update
- Sick/Cutting teeth
- Sick/Cutting teeth
- Jesse James Days
- Kearney Homecoming weekend
- Bella's Party
- Renaissance Festival
You can click on one of the above links and it will take you directly to that article on here. Pretty cool. Have you tried it? Okay, just kidding. You can't really do that. But it would be neat if you could, right?

First, in Week 2 of the regular NFL season, Jakob and daddy got to watch their first Chiefs/Raiders rivalry game together. Jakob was decked out in his red Chiefs jersey and daddy had on his silver and black sweatshirt and pants. As they sat in the basement and the Raiders ran up the score, Jakob did what he does best, fell asleep. Marc said, "Lazy Sunday afternoon, sitting in the basement watching the Raiders winning over the Chiefs, holding my son who is sacked out in my arms. What's better than this?"
Jakob continues to attempt to walk, but his feelings about it change from time to time. Some days he's really excited about walking and is very upset when we try to hold him. Other days, he doesn't want to walk at all and feels crawling, like air travel, gets him there faster. We'll keep hoping he takes more than five steps very soon.

We are pleased to report that after some home therapy of sponge baths and bathing in the tub with him for a couple of days, Jakob is back and again loving to be in the tub on his own. As a matter of fact, now he can't wait to get in and almost jumps out of our arms! Good news all around.
For the past week and a half to two weeks Jakob has been sick. He's gone from having a diaper rash to coughing and sneezing to being tired and cranky and everything in between. We know he's cutting two more molars as our fingers can report when trying to get something out of his mouth! He's taken all the anxiety of bath time and it now comes out when we try to change his diaper. That's exciting. Bathing can be changed up a bit, but we can't go without changing him.
A few weekends ago we went to Jesse James Days in Kearney and watched the parade with Nana. First we had pancake breakfast at the VFW followed by a fun time of loud music and sirens, marching bands walking through horse poop, election coverage of candidates and lots of candy thrown our way.

Last Friday, Marc walked in the Kearney Homecoming parade with the alumni float. Jakob got to see it with Nana and Pape then afterward they all went to the local great Mexican restaurant La Fuente. When news of this lunch outing reached Kim she was not happy as it's one of her favorite places to eat. :)
Last Saturday and Sunday we had two party invites for Jakob's friends. On Saturday, we went with him to visit his friend Teagan who turned one and then Sunday we went with him to see his friend Bella who also turned one. For more on the Sunday party, check out www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHFqYNRFf4A and see below:

This week Marc was able to finally get our new laptop hooked up to the wireless router at home so now we have a network our laptop and Kim's work laptop can use at the same time anywhere in the house!! Today our new extended server/mass storage device should arrive so we won't have to house any of our movie, music or photo files on the laptop hard drive. Yeah!
This weekend we will be visiting one of Marc's coworkers whose son is turning three on Saturday. We got him a plasma car and it rocks. We're definitely getting one for us one of these days. Do a Google search for it and you'll want one too. On Sunday, Marc will lead the Venue service with his friend Tanya at Vineyard Church.
Next weekend, we're going with some friends to the final weekend of the Renaissance Festival which should be interesting and we look forward to see Jakob's reaction.
More soon.
Hey, Marc and Kim. It's Mary. Sorry for the lame-o screen name and blog address - I blame my friend, Michelle.
Anyway, I realized I hadn't been keeping up on your little kiddo, so am now subscribed to the Vasquez blog. Cute, cute pics - sorry to hear about that teething. I thought all three of us would die when Annalyn got her first teeth. She's just been cranky on the last two rounds, but who knows what we'll find when it's time for molars.
Have fun at RenFest!
October 03, 2008
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