A Festivus for the rest of us
So, needless to say, we rocked it out over Labor Day weekend!
Sunday morning, Marc helped lead worship at our church's Venue acoustic service. Afterward, we loaded up the little boy in Nana's van with her and Miss Tracy and headed over to Independence for Santicaligon Days.
It was hot, but the little boy loved it. He went back and forth in mommy's arms, then the stroller for a while then into daddy's arms. He also did another first. Granted, it wasn't the prettiest thing in the world, but he did drink very well little by little from a big boy water bottle. Daddy shared his water with him and occasionally it went onto his shirt or down the wrong pipe, we can tell he's getting smarter and smarter.
We followed Nana and Miss Tracy into one vendor tent and out another. The day also included visits to get the typical "good for you" carnival food including, pork tenderloin sandwiches, fried potato chips, curly fries, steak sandwiches and corn dogs. We were going to get a turkey leg and fried candy bar, but it was so hot we concentrated on drinks and sun screen instead.

On Monday, Nana came over for another visit to spend some time with Jakob while mommy and daddy went to see "The House Bunny." It was totally funny. Kim is looking forward to October when Saw V comes out. Just kidding.
Yesterday, we had our orientation at what will soon be Jakob's new daycare, Creative World. We are really impressed by the staff, facility and program they have there and the best part is that it is state registered so the subsidy we have for Jakob will pay for the majority or all of his tuition. Pretty exciting.
Tomorrow, the NFL regular season begins and we will be watching. Last year, Jakob was able to watch games with daddy, but he was asleep during them as he was only a few months old. This year, we hope he will get into it although as before mentioned, he really just enjoys being on the leather couch. :)

More soon.
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