Home and complete. . .almost.

This has been a long week so far. Over Labor Day weekend we decided to catch "The Invasion" our last summer movie and now we're glad we did! We ended up being able to room in the hospital Monday and Tuesday night to take care of Jakob. Those beds are soooooo comfortable! Not really. We alternated shifts and things worked out quite well. Jakob is such a great baby. He sometimes fusses a little prior to needing to eat, but he's really fun and like most parents, we never get tired of looking at him no matter what he does.
Yesterday we went to court and just like our lawyer said, we waited and waited and waited for a hearing that took a matter of minutes. Marc's mother came down to be a part of the event and to offer support. We got to Harrisonville at 12:30 and wanted to make sure we had plenty of time to find it and possibly get something to eat. Because of the security checkpoints, we decided to head in and wait until our 1:30 appearance. The morning docket ran long and after a delayed lunch break the second half resumed at 2:00 (instead of 1:30). At 3:30 we were called and headed into the court room. Family adoption court like this is not like it is in the movies where the judge sits up at the front of the courtroom and other watch as the protagonist pleads his case (for reference see Adam Sandler in "Big Daddy"). Instead, we met in a jury deliberation room with the judge, court reporter, Jakob's state appointed ward and our lawyers. After answering their questions, the court ruled to allow us provisional custody for six months where we would have check ups and visits.
Then, in March of next year we will head back to court to make the entire process legal. We returned to the hospital, provided them with our adoption documents and headed home, this time with Jakob in the car seat. Even at his now "larger" weight of 5-lbs, 15-oz., and 18 inches, he is quite heavy in the seat. He slept most of the way home and we recorded his entrance into his new home. Marc is still trying to figure out how to pull video from the new camera and then it will be on YouTube.
Last Christmas our friends Chris and Dianne gave us a bottle of champagne and a promise that we would drink it to celebrate on the day of our adoption. They came over last night, the cork was popped and we celebrated not as two anymore, but as three. Jakob is also feeling right at home in his new surroundings.
Marc is off the remainder of this week and Monday of next and Kim officially starts her maternity leave today giving her a fun six weeks to love on Jakob at home. Marc's parents will be visiting tonight with a homemade "Kentucky recipe" chicken dinner (haha) then Saturday Kim's parent's will arrive to stay overnight with us and meet their newest grandchild. Marc is also looking forward to welcoming Jakob to the wonderful world of the NFL tonight and fantasy league football.
As always, and now more than ever, than you so much for the cards, emails and calls wishing us luck and support through this. We have so many and it only reassures us that we have amazing family, friends and church buddies. If you would, please continue to be in prayer for the following:
- Jakob to continue to grow and for his first pediatrician visit we hope to schedule for next week
- Kim and I to stay rested and illness-free as we learn more about him in our home
- With all the back and forth to the hospital, Kim's car is in need of some repairs and Marc is looking for a local, reliable and cost-effective mechanic that works on foreign cars. (Not too much to ask, right? haha)
- For healing and strength for our friend Debbie and her daughter Heidi who was born at under 3-lbs.
Ideally, this blog will not end now that our adoption process is closer to coming to a close. We hope after March it will continue to stay living and turn toward a marker of Jakob's life and what he means to us. We hope to always provide you with news, photos and information about him as if you're reading this, you are a part of his life.
More soon.
YEAH! Our family sat at supper last night wondering about your family. Glad to hear the full story. What a fantastic way to start the 2007 NFL season! Javan and I hope to enjoy some of the game together tonight when I get home from rehearsal.
We are so honored to have been on this journey with you over the miles at the speed that the Internet provides. Thank you for sharing all your posts, pictures, movies and more. Enjoy every captured moment of your lives together!
September 06, 2007
Marc & Kim,
I love his pictures. How blessed you both are! He's so precious. I'm glad he's home. Jakob will add so much dimension to your life. We are so happy for you!
Paul & Chris Handley
September 06, 2007
All Glory and Honor and Praise, right friends?
We are so happy for you guys and can't wait to see "the Fam" in person! (Although THIS is technology put to good use.)
We love you guys!
September 06, 2007
Oh you guys, I am SO happy for you!!! He is a doll, and a complete God-send. I just wanted you to know that I have a friend who is considering adoption and she has really enjoyed following your blog. I am so happy that you guys have the child you have been praying for!
As for a mechanic. You should look up Wise Auto. I don't have the number on hand, but the guy who owns it is Mike St. Clair. He is a Christian and used to go to the church my dad pastored here in KC. (Before Northside.) We have always gone to him for car trouble. Good luck with whatever you choose and the mechanic you find!!
September 06, 2007
Marc and Kim,
Congratulations! He looks great! Keep up the blog, and keep us posted. Glad everything went well. You guys will make great parents.
September 07, 2007
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