Sun, Sponge Bob, Home Remodling and Icy Conditions
When we last spoke we had just returned from seeing Kim's family at Christmas. We weren't able to share any photos at the time because our agent and manager had not reviewed them yet, but here is one of the best from the bunch:
Shortly after Christmas, Winter made "her" official debut in the Kansas City area. Marc left for Orlando for a client conference a few hours prior to a major ice and snow storm. Kim's mother also fought the snow and ice and came down the day before the bad weather arrived to help Kim with the nursery. Meanwhile, Marc worked his tail off during the whole trip and came home five days later just in time for the great meltdown.
In addition, Kim's mom and Kim made headway removing the gross sunflower border around the top of what will one day be the nursery. They also got a bassinet ready that looks great. We have some great ideas on how to get the room ready once we know our child's arrival date.
Marc's parents recently surprised us with paying for a family friend, who has a remodeling company, to come and put in a toilet and sink in our basement now giving us two and a half bathrooms.
He gave us an estimate for finishing the bathroom and in time we hope to have three full bathrooms in the house.
We are in the process of completing our adoption book and have been scanning photos, creating layouts and putting our lives in a nut shell together. It's also been a nice walk down memory lane in seeing where we've been and where we are now. We were just thinking a few weeks ago that if someone had told us three years about we would be where here now we wouldn't have believed it.
God continues to bless us. Next month we will be cheering on the Colts so hopefully Manning finally gets his Ring and Marc will be traveling to Las Vegas for a major client conference. Most importantly we will have completed all of the preliminaries and it will then be in God's hands to provide an expectant mother who will deem us to be. . .the ones right for her child.
It's exciting, but busy! Thanks for your continued support.
I LOVE Guitar Hero!!!! We have 1 & 2 and they are so freakin' awesome. And not to gloat...but I am not too shabby at it! ;)
Glad to hear you are makin' progress with the adoption. I am so excited for you guys.
I don't know if you got my message, but in case you haven't found a church, give me a call 'cause I have a recommendation for you!
February 03, 2007
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