Deep Blue Sea, Pineapple and Sharks
Aloha everyone!
Before we left for Honolulu, Hawaii, we had people telling us a variety of things:
1. "The pineapple and fruit is better there than anywhere else in the mainland United States!"
2. "The water is so clear and so blue!"
3. "Don't eat meat like steak or hamburger, it's terrible!"
4. "The beach, sunrise and sunsets are like nothing you can imagine!"
Well, three out of four experts were correct.

We arrived on Friday evening and it was already nightfall. As we flew down from the clouds, all of a sudden we saw an island all lit up. We picked up our bags and hopped a cab to the Hilton Hawaiian Village Resort and Spa ( The entire resort sits right on the beach with torches that run up the road and a pool, spa and concierge desk at each room tower.

When we checked in the front desk informed us they were out of garden view rooms (which had been booked by our travel agent) and they would be "forced" to super upgrade us to the top level suite of the Ali'i executive tower, right on the beach. When we arrived in our room, we honestly got lost in the bathroom! The best part was having two glass sliding doors on the left and right that allowed us to walk out onto our 20'x20' wrap around balcony, right over the open ocean. On our first morning (Saturday) we found that the time change had us awake at 5:30 a.m. We got up and stood out on the balcony and it was one of the most amazingly peaceful experiences we've ever had. No noise other than the waves making their way onto the shore and the few surfers in the distance waiting for the next big wave. It was a real testament to how awesome God is when we listen and take in what He has created.
After the conference was completed, we got to spend some real time together. Granted Kim had already had a chance to go to the swap meet at Aloha Stadium, take a submarine tour, check out some of the many Hilton shops and swim in the pool. She also had some great relaxation time sitting out on the balcony reading.
After the conference we also made the HUGE mistake of moving hotels. We had it soooooooo good at the Hilton and while the staff was quite wonderful at our new Hotel, the Waikiki Parc, it was far from being "as cool." On our anniversary we decided to go with Marc's parents to a luau at the North Shore. Big mistake! If you get the chance to go to Honolulu, make a point to go to the Polynesian Cultural Center. The show is much better and worth the ride and price of admission. We did have a chance to hear the water as it went over the shore under the stars. Not too shabby at all.
Later that week we made a trip to the North Shore where Marc swam with sharks about three miles off the coast ( The experience was like no other. After we made it out to the drop point, the sharks were already waiting for us and the guys on the boat began playing the JAWS theme. Marc entered the blue water and felt the sensation of it being cold coupled with the fact that the sharks were already waiting for us. In addition to the shots Kim
took on board the ship, Marc was able to get quite a few great shots from underwater in the cage. After spending about 45 minutes in the blue salty sea, we headed back and met up with Marc's parents to head back to Waikiki to parasail. Before we left, Marc said he had the second best cheeseburger ever (the best being at Lulu's Surf Shop two nights prior in Waikiki) at Kuna A'ina in the North Shore.
In addition, we also visited the Dole Plantation where we had some of the most amazing pineapple we've ever tasted. It was so good, we had a case of 6 shipped home (and in our shipment 7 arrived!). AT the Plantation, we took the train ride which gave much of the history as to how Dole became a common household name in pineapple (and other fruit). At the Plantation they serve pineapple sprinkled with cinnamon. While it sounds odd, it's very good and really brings out the sweetness of the fruit.
The Pearl Harbor tour was both interesting and emotional. The good news was that the tour was free to take. The bad news was we had to wait three hours after we arrived there to take it. Finally, we boarded a Navy vessel and made our way to the Memorial. The tour took us onto what would be the deck of the U.S.S. Arizona and told the story of the fate of each of the ships in "Battleship Row."
All in all, we saw some pretty amazing things during our time there, but toward the end of the week we were ready to come home. Currently we're putting the house in order including painting, picture hanging and final box unpacking. We could really use your prayers. We had anticipated joining a church soon thus fulfilling one of the requirements in working with the adoption agency we've been talking to. It doesn't appear we will be doing that now so we are possibly going to have to start over with a new agency (that doesn't require a church membership) that works with adoptions in Mexico. It's a pretty major setback both personally as well as more time we will now have to wait to receive a new addition to our family.
We're learning God tends to balance the good with the not so good in our lives. Thanks again for the continued support as we make our way. We have a full book of pictures we'd love to show you sometime if you're in the neighborhood.
More soon.
Ok, so been a LONG time so I am just gonna go down the list...
1) Looks like you had an AMAZING time in Hawaii! Marc, I can't believe you swam with sharks!! I would be deathly afraid!
2) Yay on the new house!! That is so exciting!!!
3) I really am hoping & praying for you that the adoption goes through quickly and you are blessed with the child you have always dreamed of. I know that God is going to bless you soon!!
I hope all is well with you guys!
August 01, 2006
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