This blog serves as a record of our adoption, life and love of our son, Jakob.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Boxes and paperwork as far as the eye can see

On Friday, June 23, Marc and Matt Brunk began the daunting task of moving the endless number of boxes from the old house to our new home. It was hot work and the stairs reminded them both that age is catching up with them. . .quickly. Later that night, Marc and Matt moved a second load of boxes and some furniture while Kim cleaned the house from top to bottom and assembled some last minute items into boxes to be hauled away.

The next morning a new crew of Spencer, Kathy, Joy, Chris and Joel and. . well, Joel came to move "the big stuff." By 12:30 p.m. everything was moved to the new house just in time for the great lunch Marc's mom provided for the tired workers.

As we left our old house for the last time we couldn't help but think of all the memories made there and how the house had evolved from when we first took possession of it in October of 2000. It served as one more thing that helped us grow up and attain our adulthood and not surpising that it was an emotionally and physically tiring weekend.

Now we're putting the house together and each evening cracking away little by little at the mounds of boxes in the garage. In addition, we're trying to also carve out time to complete our adoption pile of paperwork and prepare for the big trip to Honolulu next month.

God continues to be great to us and while we don't deserve it, He blesses us more and more each day. Thank you to all the individuals mentioned above. We couldn't have done all of this without you and we're truly thankful to have you in our lives.

Kim finishes up summer school this week and will have more time to get things the way she wants them in the new house. She's already got a twinkle in her eye about colors we'll most likely be painting the walls with this very weekend.

Finally, to all the servicemen both past and present, especially veteran friends and family, we'd like to offer up a huge thank you for all you do. As we prepare for Independence Day we know we wouldn't have the freedoms we take for granted each day without your work, drive and pride for our country.

Have a great weekend. More soon.


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