Epilogue and Title Page

First, we're moving to our new home in Liberty this week! (see photo) Sure, we've leaked to the press that we're excited and feeling confident about the move, but the real story is that we're a little sad too. After 5 years, we're moving out of our "first house." Yes, we're excited about the next step, but it's still the end of one chapter of our lives and the beginning of another.
Wow. That was really cliched, wasn't it? Sorry.
The best part about the new house is we'll finally have a place where we can have people over to cut loose and enjoy themselves. After all, what good's a house if you can't fill it with friends and family, right?
Tuesday of last week Marc went to St. Joseph after work to help our friends Mark and Rachel move and arrived just in time for them to be finished. Nice one! But, the time was very well spent and while it was tough to see them leaving for the great south of Missouri, we know God has awesome things in store for them.
Then, on Wednesday we had our second adoption meeting with Christian Family Services. We shared a lot of the past four years in our infertility, all the emotions and highs and lows that have come along with it. We're finding its easier to share our story in the hopes it will help us stay patient and also help others who are at the beginning of infertility and adoption. It was a very positive meeting, and we're praying we find a child in Kansas to adopt. The woman we spoke with mentioned it's an easier process in Kansas. We do have a ton of paperwork and reading to complete over the next few weeks, but we left feeling motivated and reenergized. Another tough Mother's and Father's Day has passed, and as much as we love each other as a couple, we continue to pray God will make it the last ones we experience as a family of two.
Later on that evening we went to see greet Timmy, son of our friends Chris and Dianne. Dianne looked great and while at first we feared the child looked like Chris, this morning at church we saw he's in the process of becoming a handsome young man. haha. We love you Chris!
Kim has two weeks left of summer school then her "summer" will officially begin just in time to begin putting the house together and to take a much needed vacation with Marc to Hawaii. She's been busy working at school by day and making home utilities transfers by evening.
Before Sunday gets too far away, we wanted to wish both of our father's RJ and Marv a warm Happy Father's Day. While both men lead different lives, they've done a great job of raising some incredible kids (including us!).
Thanks for your continued prayer. More soon.
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