Okay, take us to DEFCON 3, this is not a drill!
Things have become increasingly more exciting in the past week. We found out from our case worker that the family trying to adopt the two month old boy in Kansas City was again denied. The judge requested more information about other resources (adoption agencies, DFS, etc) and said he only wanted to see our homestudy and information.
What was once thought of as a longshot is now a distinct possibility. We are not sure when we will find out, but knowing our luck, it will be while Marc is in Washington DC next weekend. :)
Kim completed her summer school session on June 29, and we had a great time on July 3 with some friends shooting fireworks, swimming, eating some great food and watching a movie on the large screen Joel and Cerise Edwards put up on their house. The I-70 Twin Drive in doesn't have anything on this achievement. The movie was followed of course by a rousing time of playing Halo 2.
On July 4, we saw the best movie of last year and this year (so far), Transformers. If for some reason you've been living under a rock, check out www.transformersmovie.com for more information. In addition, there is a great teaser trailer for a movie not yet titled going by the name "Cloverfield/1-18-08." It looks to be a great giant monster movie shot in the same way The Blair Witch Project was filmed. After the movie we headed out to Marc's parents' neighbors' house to have some fun. In spite of the rain we all enjoyed fun, food and fireworks together celebrating our nation's birthday and the freedom the men and women in our armed forces have fought to provide for us.
Next weekend Marc will head to Washington DC for a client conference and Kim will be showing off our great city to her mother, niece and nephew. The following week we will celebrate our nine year wedding anniversary (already celebrating 10 years together). Kim says she has something great planned. . . We're hoping next year we will get to spend some time in New Orleans when the annual conference Marc attends in July happens to be held there.
Later this month we will celebrate Marc's brother's and mother's birthday. One will be 28 and the other will be 60. We'll let you be the judge of who's who. :)
Needless to say we're walking a tightwire of being excited and nervous and we could use your prayers. We continue to pray that if God believes we're the best option for either this boy who has been born or the other opportunity with the woman set to give birth this month, we would gladly like him to bless us with it.
May God bless you as the summer continues to kick in full swing.
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