1.21 Gigawatts of power please
Okay folks, it's time to jump into the only stainless steel car ever made and head, as Kim's favorite singer Huey Lewis said, "back in time."
In order to effectively tell this story from the beginning, we need to head back to star date May 25-28, 2009. On those days, Jakob spent some much needed time with his Grandma and Grandpa Law on their farm in Churdan, IA. While he was there, Great Grandma, Aunt Jill and his cousin Becca came down to spend one of the days with him as well. Cousin Daniel was MIA.
It was great for Jakob to get a bigger taste of farm life than when we go up for a weekend event or holiday. Now that he is older, he was able to enjoy more of what the farm had to offer and enjoyed getting the full tour from Grandma and Grandpa. We had been rehearsing it for weeks, and when he was up there he was able to say "Grandpa," "Grandma," "Aunt Jill" and "Becca."
Grandma and Grandpa had their own "buddy" which Jakob calls a vacuum. They also spent a lot of time outside. The pictures below do better justice to the good time he had:
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