Holy cow time flies!
A lot has happened since our last post. Don't worry. For all of you who are like Marc and have ADHD, there are more pictures than. . .

Sorry. Got sidetracked. More pictures than text. The big news is that we are in full start of our next adoption. We're working on the initial requirements and the paperwork to do our home study follow up is on the way. Kim has been reviewing our paperwork stacks from last time and set the date of the end of summer to have everything completed to go. We're excited and hopeful to have a great adventure like we did with Jakob. We will keep you posted on how things go there, but so far so good!
We've uploaded two new movies to Jakob's YouTube channel:
Jakob Marcus: Knock It Down! - www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgKre1cE5K0
Jakob Marcus: Tool and Dance - www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHzHhBrRApY
Marc just got back from Chicago on a work trip. While he was there he got to see his friend Jeff from college. The hotel accommodations were pretty amazing:

Over the weekend on Friday, Jakob got his third haircut. In an effort to go bigger and cooler (if that's possible), we got some hair color for special occasions that washes out. He wasn't happy when we left the haircut place because he wanted to stay in the little Hummer car and also wasn't done walking around. Nice. We then went to the Italian Festival at Zona Rosa on Sunday and got a ton of compliments. After we got home Jakob and daddy cooked out on the grill and he kept trying to pull his pants down. We're hoping he doesn't decide to become a plumber. Not that there's anything wrong with that. We just don't want him making a career choice based on what feels good pants-wise.

The summer is finally here and Kim is out of school. Now she's working summer school at the middle school and enjoys it. She has good hours so she's able to have a little bit of time to get things done, exercise and be on her own before she goes to pick up Jakob. Summer school will be up at the end of June and then she'll have July to recharge and get ready for the fall semester.
We are also working on a great follow up party for Jakob's second birthday. Kim has located the coolest monkey elements and Marc is working with one of his coworkers to get invitations printed. It's gonna rock!
On the horizon, we will be celebrating our 11 year wedding anniversary in July. It's Kim's year to plan things so it should rock. We're planning a long weekend that weekend to have some fun! Also in July, Marc's mom retires and he is planning a party to commemorate the event.
In September, Marc will potentially be going to Chicago for work and then Asheville, NC, for the Vineyard Worship Leaders Retreat. Today, he had his annual review and it rocked. Because of the way things turned out, his bonus is more than anticipated so we have extra money to put toward adoption expenses. Pretty cool! Praise God on that!
But tonight, we are leaving the little boy with a sitter and heading to Em Chamas to enjoy some great food and time with some friends from church. So, the next time we talk we might be covering exercise topics. haha.
More soon.
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